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>>Weekend Plans<<

Marzia's POV

"Does a roast happen every week?!" I asked Amy, "Mostly once or twice a month.. and sometimes none in a month.." Amy answered, another roast happened this week... I gotta give it to Felix for winning all the time...

This school is just so physically harmless..

Pranks that will physically harm people are forbbiden.

Apparently one way of getting views is this.


Two weeks has passed meaning that today's a new month of school.

Three of us were walking down a hall when Dan and Phil caught my eye, they barely talk to each other after that one day that I don't want to think about.. ever since that everyone thought they were together..

Right behind them was the trio.. I looked and Felix and he looked back, I gave him a bitter look.. and looked away, following Amy and Signe..

We exited the school gates but before we could start walking home, Amy grabbed me by the arm, "Wait! I think I forgot something, be right back!" Amy said and ran back in.

We waited for 15 minutes and Amy still hasn't come back, "Do you think we should look for her? What if she's in trouble or something?" I asked, "Good point.." Signe replied and we walked back in.

Amy's POV

I ran back to the school garden and saw Mark sitting on a bench... "Sorry I took so long.." I said panting.. "I thought you ditched me.." he said and I smiled, "I would never..."

I sat beside him and placed my hands on top of his.. "Your friends?" He asked, "Oh they're outside the school gates waiting so this better be quick, sorry.. yours?" I asked back, "Don't worry.. I made sure their at the dorm.." he answered

"So why'd you want to meet up here?" I asked, "Well... I actually wanted to hang out with you.. but since you have your friends waiting.. I'll give you this.." he held my cheeks and kissed me, I kissed back closing my eyes.

I pulled away and smiled at him, "How about this weekend?" I asked, "Sure.." he answered..

"Gotta go.." I said and ran back..
I saw Signe and Marzia coming this way and panicked.. running to them.. "Amy! There you are!" Signe said, "Uhh- what are you guys doing here?" I asked nervously, "You were taking so long to the point that we got worried.. what were you doing here anyway?" Marzia asked back, "Just a stroll.. so.. uhh let's just leave.." I excused and we went back to our dorms..


I layed down my bed about to sleep when my phone suddenly lit up and took my attention..
I grabbed it and saw that I recieved a message..

Marzia: Got any plans this weekend? We could have a a girls night out..

Signe: oml yes!

Oh no..

Marzia: Where to?

Signe: that depends.. Amy you coming?

Amy: I can't.. I-  I have plans..

Signe: what plans?

Amy: Uh.. family plans.. You guys can go without me :)

Marzia: You sure?

Amy: Yup!

Signe: oh okay..

I closed my phone and sighed.. I hate lying to them but I had to hide it for the sake of Mark.. he begged me.. and I had no choice..

Mark's POV

"NO!" Sean yelled.. "I'M NOT GONNA LOSE THIS TIME!" he yelled once more.. I giggled at him as we play this video game..

Which once again.. I won.. he shot up and threw the controller on the floor, "ARE YOU CHEATING?!" He yelled at me, "No!" I answered followed by laughter.. he pouted, crossing his arms and sitting back.

"Why don't we play something else?" Felix said, "I can't!" Jack said, "Aww.. why? You saddd? Does your fingers hurt from all that button mashing? I'll massage it if you want.." I teased, "As much as I love to.. no.." he said bitterly..

"Well if you guys have plans this weekend.. I'll just be making videos.." Jack said, "You Felix?" I asked, but I got no response, "Felix?" I called.. "Oh.. what?! Uh.. s-same.." he answered turning away again.

"Is something bothering you?" I asked, "Well.. it's just.. this girl-"
"Ooh! Felix has a crush!" Jack teased cutting him off, "No! It's not that..Never!" Felix yelled.. "So what does she look like?" Jack asked.. "This new brunette with gold or yellowish highlights at the end.. and I think I heard she's italia-"
"Italian? Marzia?" I asked.. "Ye- wait.. how'd you know?" He asked and I panicked.. "I-I heard too.." I said stuttering..

"I'll talk about it another time.." he said walking out of our dorm.. silently..

"Welp! Imma go to bed now!" Jack said jumping out the couch and running to the room.

"That was close.." I said sighing..

This is good... they'd  be making videos..

But I have to think of an excuse..

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