Chapter 9: Where Kits Come From

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Wolfclaw led Willowwhisp to where Hollyfern was kitting. Hollyfern let out a yowl as another ripple of pain passed through her. Then a small, brown tabby kit slid out of her. "Its a tom! Lick his fur the wrong way to dry him and to stimulate breathing." Willowwhisp instructed Hollyfern. She licked him happily, then she felt another jolt of pain. A small, black she cat slid out. She wasn't moving. "She's dead." Willowwhisp told her. Hollyfern and Wolfclaw started crying. Willowwhisp told Lostnose, one of the elders to go bury her. The tabby kit nuzzled against Hollyfern's belly and began to nurse. "Have you decided what to name him?" Willowwhisp asked them. "We have decided to name him Tigerkit." Hollyfern replied, then licked the kits forehead. "I'll leave you to rest. Let me know if you need anything." Willowwhisp said then left to check on the elders. Lionkit looked over and saw Tigerkit. "So that's where kits come from." She said in her head then left to go play with Wolfkit and Pinekit.

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