The Phone

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Jughead's POV

My eyes shot open. I practically screamed from the pain. My eyes scanned the room quickly as my right hand held my leg tightly. I was in a hospital bed. My clothing was to shreds and my whole body was sore and painful. I noticed that my leg was the worst. It felt like someone was pulling at the bone with their bare hands and my ribs felt like they were poking my sides.

I stared at my leg in horror. I knew it was broken but in person it looked disgusting. It was just twisted and out of place. I felt like passing out again. That was until I heard someone.

"Jug! Jughead!"

I snapped out of my thought process and moved my eyes to a worried Arch. I felt my eyes pierce into his with confusion. I looked down as his hands held my arms gently to keep me from freaking out.

"Where am I?"

I practically screamed. I was still trying to process everything that had happened that day. I noticed a nurse running over to me with Fred... and my dad by his side. I stared at them confused.

"We need you to calm down. You may have a few broken bones. Just stay calm."

The nurse said reassuringly. Everything started to come back to me as I realized exactly where I was and what had happened.

Soon, V and Betty came around the corner of the curtain. They gave me a worried smile as Archie stood up and stared at me with his concerned expression. My heart was beating out of my chest as I realized I was going to have to tell him about the phone.

~time lapse~

Many painkillers, a cast, and a nurse pushing my shoulder in place and taking X-rays later, I felt guilty. How was I to tell Archie about what happened with my phone?

I lied in a dark hospital room. I couldn't sleep. They said they wanted to keep me for 48 hours. Apparently I had broken ribs, a broken leg, broken nose, and my oxygen intake was low. Makes sense, they practically beat the lungs out of my body.

Everyone was pretty much forced to go home so the hospital could keep an eye on me. They said I could see everyone tomorrow, but I really wanted to just talk to Archie.

I stared at the ceiling. A ceiling fan circled above me. I could hear people in other rooms beside me coughing and or snoring. I didn't want to be here. I just wanted to go home. I really didn't care about the beating that Reggie gave me, but I did care about the phone. I wanted to think things through without there being people dying next to me.

The cast on my leg began to itch and my nose felt like it was being bitten by tiny termites. I don't even know how my dad paid off this medical stuff. How in the hell did he even pay for pain meds? I just suspected Fred pitched in.

Moonlight shone through the window. I looked out and saw the town, along with the forest. I suddenly frowned. How did they even find me?

I felt myself go light headed for a moment. I took in a deep breath, trying to get more oxygen in my system. I slammed my head back on the pillow. The bed was cold and uncomfortable and my body itched from all the bruises and cuts.

The nurses and doctors all asked me what happened. I just told them I was uncomfortable and would like to tell them later. I could tell they were unsatisfied but they went along with it.

I honestly didn't want to tell them about Reggie, mostly cause I was afraid that if I told them, Reggie would get into trouble with the law for pretty much mugging someone by taking their phone. I didn't want to see someone get involved with the law because of me, even if they're Reggie Mantle. I was also afraid that if I did tell someone it was him, Reggie and his friends would tell everyone about Archie and I.

Then There Were Two... // Jarchie (Jughead X Archie)Where stories live. Discover now