Chapter 1

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I sat at a lonely table in the library, reading a book I've already read at least 16 times. It'd been 3 years since the encounter with Kaecilius, and I was glad that was all over. Wong was currently putting away books I had carelessly left out. "You may be our leader now," Wong began, "But that doesn't mean you can leave books sprawled out in here."

I looked up, "Sorry... My mind isn't in the right place right now. Leave it, I'll clean up once I'm done."
"You better." Wong said, leaving

I let out a sigh, closing the book I was reading. I've already read it, no point in finishing it. I stood up, grabbing all the books I'd read today. '7? Had I really read 7 books?' I shook off the thought and placed all the books back in their rightful places on the shelves. It was surprisingly easy, despite the fact my hands were trembling, and they were a bit worse today at that. I left the library, locking the door behind me to ensure no one else entered for the night. As I made my way to my room, I bumped into a familiar face. It was Mordo.

"Stephen, there is someone here." He stated
"Be more specific? Who?" I asked
"A girl. She's downstairs, said she'd like to speak with who was in charge here. Wants help."
I sighed, "Tell her I won't be seeing anyone today."
"I don't think she'll take that as an answer... Seemed pretty persistant."
I sighed again, "Tell her that anyway. I'm not seeing anyone today."
Mordo nodded, and left.

It wasn't that I didn't want to see anyone today, it was more that I couldn't. My mind had been racing all day and I couldn't think straight. I'd been losing track of time, and my hands... They just got worse the more I thought about them. I made my way to my room and slumped down onto my bed. My cloak removed itself from my person and then proceeded to drape itself over my body as a blanket. When it wasn't being a general pain in the ass, he was actually quite helpful. It was a 'he' right? I always referred to it as 'he'. It was just a cape after all... A cape with a mind of its own and a hell of an attitude. I kept thinking to myself as I slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.


I woke up abruptly to the sound of Mordo knocking on my door. My cloak flew up and floated in mid air as I slowly made my way to the door, opening it.

"Yes, Mordo...?" I said, still half asleep
"It's the girl. She's still here. Stayed here all night."
"Couldn't you of made her leave?"
"Would've. But I couldn't. Not with her condition."
"She asked for you again. You should go and talk to her." Mordo gave a slight smile and walked away.

I sighed, making myself as presentable as possible. I changed into a simple tunic, and out of the usual blue one. I looked at my cloak and pointed at him, "Behave yourself." I said as I made my way downstairs into what I had always assumed as a meeting room. It's what it was when I first arrived. I looked into the room. Next to the table was a girl with (H/L)(H/C) hair, bright (E/C) eyes, and a saddened aura about her. She wasn't sitting on the floor as most did, but instead in a wheelchair. I cleared my throat to make my presence known and the girl looked up.

"I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I run everything here. I heard you needed to speak with me?"
"Yes.." The girl said. Her voice was soft and quiet as she spoke, "I heard people come here for miracles."
I could hear the nervousness in her voice, "Well, you heard right, to an extent. We don't perform miracles. We show people how to perform miracles for themselves."
"I'd like to learn... I heard you could help me to walk again.."
"We can."
"Then help me..." She sounded desperate.
"Are your legs completly paralyzed?"
"Well no... But walking for me is near impossible."

I thought for a moment. I haven't really helped anyone regain any abilities, such as walking. I knew how to help, but I'd never trained anyone. Learning would be difficult for her, I could already see it. I didn't want to turn her away, but I didn't want to put her through what I went through. I came to a decision after a few moments of silence.

"I'll help you. But I'll warn you now, everything you'll learn... It won't be easy."
I saw her eyes light up, "I'll do anything... I just want to walk again."
"Then I'll have you settled into a room. We'll start tomorrow morning miss..?" I realized I hadn't asked her name
"(Y/F/N)(Y/L/N)." She said, extending her out towards me

I took her hand in mine and gently shook it. She smiled up at me with a look of pure happiness. I was going to need help with this, I already knew that. I just really hope I made the right choice in helping her...

((A/N)) Hey!! This is my first story, so I'm sorry if it's a little iffy. Anyways, if you like what I've written so far, even though it's not much, I'd love to get your feedback! I'm open to suggestions if you want to see anything happen in later chapters! Thank you!

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