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Heyo! So a little update.. I apologize to anyone who was reading "A Love so Strange", the sequel to this story.. Something happened with my Wattpad, and it got deleted entirely. So! I'm going to be restarting it. I didnt even realize this story was still getting attention. My goal is to have the first chapter up in about a week or so. While I'm writing it, I'm also working on a completely original story, with my own characters, world and story. Art for the story (once its out), will actually be put on my instagram, "noodlebeanart".

I also have another fanfic in the works, called Love KIA. It's a Gears of War fanfic, for anyone interested in that. I'm mostly writing it for myself, but if you love Damon Baird as much as I do, give it a look!

Anyways, that's all I had to say. Thank you all again for giving this story all the love that it's gotten, it really means alot. So, until next time!


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