Chapter 11

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((Warning: Mature content implied.))

Two days had passed since the incident with Issac. Mordo and I had been trying to formulate a plan to lure him out, in an attempt to find out where the Eye is. We haven't had much luck, and (y/n) has been keeping a close eye on me. Since the incident, she's been insisting on staying with me, to make sure I was alright. I wouldn't of cared much, had the situation been different. I couldn't bring her into any of this, I couldn't risk her getting hurt again. I had found a spell to heal her wounds quickly, so she wouldn't be in pain, and thankfully the spell worked wonderfully.

Towards the end of the day, I went to the library to return some books I had borrowed for about the 17th time. When I walked in, I caught a glimpse of (y/n) admiring the the collection, belonging to the Ancient One. I've only read them all once. I walked over to her and stood next to her.

"What are these?" She asked
"Those are classified. No one but me can read them unless told otherwise. It's a rule I put in place after what happened a few years ago." I replied
"What happened a few years ago?"
"Well.. It's a long story."
"We have time."

(Y/n) sat down at one of the tables and looked at me with eager eyes. I sighed. It couldn't hurt to tell her. It was our history after all. I began to tell her the story from my perspective and everything that had happened. Kaecilius, the Ancient One, The Eye, Dormammu, everything. I went over every detail as I remembered it, from the very beginning, when I first arrived. She listened very eagerly, never once interrupting. After about 2 hours, I had finally finished my story.

"Im.. I'm sorry to hear about your friend.." She said, "But.. This 'Kaecilius' he's.. He's gone, right? For good?"
I nodded, "Yes, he is. Even if he was still around, I doubt he would try anything again given the power we have."
"But the Eye-"
"We will get the Eye back. Its late.. You should be getting to bed."

I stood up and offered my hand to her. She took it and stood up.

"Will you come with me? Just until I fall asleep.." She asked
I smiled softly, "I will."


After a few minutes, (Y/n) had fallen asleep in my arms. I didn't want to wake her, so I just laid there holding her. She was so beautiful, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I studied every detail of her face, memorizing it. Her (h/c) hair was pushed behind her ear. It wasn't long before I closed my eyes and had fallen asleep as well.


The next morning I awoke to (Y/n) smiling softly at me.

"I thought you were only going to stay until I fall asleep." She said
"I was.." I yawned, "But you looked so peaceful.. I didn't want to wake you."

She smiled and gently placed a kiss on my cheek. I felt my cheeks blush slightly as I smiled up at her.

"I have work.. Mordo and I still need to figure out how to get the Eye back.. It's top priority."
"I know I know.." She sighed, "Can't I do anything to help?"
"No.. It's too dangerous. I can't risk you getting hurt again.."
"I'll be fine."
I stood up, "I almost lost you. It's out of the question."
She got up as well, "This is my ex we are talking about, I have to help, I can't just sit around while you and Mordo get yourselves killed!"
"We have other people to help us.. we will be fine."
"Stephen i-"
"No! You are going to stay here where it is safe!"

(Y/n) looked down. I sighed and hugged her, holding her close.

"I'm sorry.. i.. I just can't lose you.."
"And I can't lose you.."
"And you won't.." I tilted her head up gently, "I'll be fine.. We all will be.. I promise."

She smiled softly and wrapped her arms around my neck, gently pressing her lips to mine. I pulled her closer and returned the kiss, placing a hand on her cheek. I pulled back, our lips still brushing against each other.

"Can't you stay a few more minutes..?" She whispered
"I should really get to work.."
"Please..?" She looked up at me.
I smiled, "I suppose a few more minutes can't hurt.."

She smiled and pulled me back onto the bed, kissing me gently. I flipped the two of us over, me on top, gently kissing back. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her until my chest was pressed against hers. I ran my fingers through her hair, pulling back from the kiss a bit to catch my breath.

"I love you.." (Y/n) said quietly
"I love you too.." I replied

She smiles and pulled me into another kiss, slipping her hand up my shirt. I pulled back a bit, taking my shirt off, before going back to the kiss. I felt her hands run up my chest, before wrapping around my neck again. Before I knew it, we were both undressed and behind a locked door.

What a way to wake up.

((A/N: Hey guys. Over a thousand reads. That's awesome! I'm sorry for the long delay, this seems to happen alot. I was recently in the hospital and wasn't allowed my phone. I'm alright now, nothing serious, and I'll be back to trying to keep a steady flow of updates for you guys. I hope you guys understand.))

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