Chapter 7

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Stephens P.O.V
A few hours had passed and (y/n) left me in my room to rest. However, I found resting near impossible. The pain is my side was too much to handle. Mordo had left a glass of water for me, but whenever i tried to grab it, my hands would tremble. No matter what I did to control it, it wasn't working.
(Y/n) didn't say anything after I answered her question, and I wasn't sure whether or not that was a good sign. Maybe she just wanted to know. Maybe she doesn't share the same feelings, and if so, would her knowing just make things awkward? So many thoughts were racing through my head, and I couldn't get a grip on myself. "I'm such an idiot.." I mumbled to myself.

(Y/n) P.O.V.
I had ordered Stephen to rest, even though I knee he wasn't going to. He was stubborn, and has been since I met him, but that wasn't really why I left the room. I left to think. He had just admitted to loving me, but I wasn't entirely sure on my feelings for him... Sure, he was smart, sweet, and no words could describe how handsome he was, but... 'Maybe I am in love with him..." I thought. I did always want to be around him, and speak with him every chance I could, given he wasn't avoiding me. He does that alot. I shook my head and decided to go outside for some air. I went into the courtyard, where Mordo and I had found Stephen after the attack. Two of the other apprentices were cleaning up the blood. His blood. I felt sad at the sight. Maybe coming out here wasn't such a good idea.
I was about to go back inside, when I noticed something on the ground. When I went closer to it, I saw it was a ring. I picked it up and examined it closer, and my eyes widened

"Oh god..."

Stephens P.O.V.
Being the idiot I was, I had gotten up and gone over to my desk. It wasn't an easy task, but I managed. I held my hands up a bit, and they trembled. It was worse then when I first got here all those years ago. I let out a sigh and put my hands on the desk. I can't stop thinking about what I had told (Y/n). Maybe I shouldn't of told her. Why would I ever think I would be capable of holding another relationship? I sat at my desk, letting my thoughts wander.
A few minutes had passed when (Y/n) had walked back into my room. I looked up at her.

"(Y/n) i-" I began
"We have a problem.."
"I know and i-"

(Y/n) held up a ring. It was a simple silver band. Didn't look to special.

"It's a ring."
"Look closer."

I took the ring and looked at it closer. There were etchings along the outer edges of it. "For my love, Issac." Again, not to interesting.

"Is this supposed to mean something?" I asked, looking up at her.
"Issac. Do you not remember me telling you about Issac? About a month after I got here?"
"No. I didn't pay much attention to you speaking of other people then." I said.
(Y/n) sighed, "Issac! Issac Anderson!! My ex!"
"Oh right.. him.. why is his-"
"I found that in the courtyard after I left your room. It was right where that man had attacked you, and as far as I know, Issac isn't here."
"So you think your ex was the one who attacked me?"
"That's exactly what I think."
"Well in that case, we need to find him."
"I agree, but.. Issac he.."
"He?" I asked
"He never fails to get his way. Whatever he wants, he'll stop at nothing to get it."
"Well then we will stop him."

I stood up, using my desk for support. (Y/n) walked over to me and put my arm over her shoulders.

"I told you not to get up.."
"You know I don't follow the rules."

She looked up at me with a somewhat irritated look, but I noticed a soft blush on her cheeks. I smiled. (Y/n) looked away and walked me over to my bed and laid me down. She turned to walk away, but I quickly reached out and grabbed her hand. She turned to look at me.

"Why did you ask me if I loved you?" I asked
"You said it in your sleep. I was curious."
"Surely there is another reason."

(Y/n) looked away. She gripped my hand a bit.

"I.." She sighed, "Look it doesn't matter."
"It matters to me."
"You need to get rest."
"I won't rest if you leave the room."

She let go of my hand and grabbed a chair, sitting herself next to my bed.

"Fall asleep. Then I'll leave."
"No. I now know you are going to leave."

She looked at me with a sort of glare. I smirked.

"You're a stubborn ass, you know that right?"
"Yes, I've been told many times. One of my many qualities."

(Y/n) laughed. I smiled. I loved hearing her laugh.

"Fine." She calmed down, "I won't leave. Only if you promise to get some rest."
"I promise."

She leaned over and kissed my cheek. I felt heat rise to my cheeks and sighed, closing my eyes. After a few minutes, I managed to drift off to sleep.


When I woke up, (Y/n) wasn't in the room. "That little trickster.." I mumbled. I pushed myself up. My side, surprisingly didn't hurt. I decided to go see where she went. I left my room and looked around. It was oddly quiet, and I couldn't seem to find her. Actually, I couldn't seem to find anyone. I went out to the courtyard and saw blood on the floor. "My blood?" I thought. No, it couldn't be mine. I was hit near the wall. I noticed the blood wasn't just a spot, but a trail. I followed it, thinking someone must be injured. Multiple people? No one can bleed this much and manage to walk very far, there's to much. The trail led inside and into a room.

I was getting a bit scared, and slowly reached for the door. I opened the door and looked inside. My eyes widened as I was met with the most horrifying sight. Everyone was in the room, covered in blood.. Their bodies were strewn about, all pale and lifeless. Mordo, Wong, everyone. In the middle of the room, was (y/n)... I ran over to her and one else down, holding her in my arms. I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks. I looked up, and on the back wall, was something written in what could only be blood.

"I warned you." It read

I clung to (y/n) and screamed.


"Stephen!! Stephen wake up!!"

I quickly sat up in bed, drenched in sweat, my breathe heavy. I looked over to see who was there. It was (y/n).

"You were having a nightmare.." She said. She sounded worried.

My eyes swelled up with tears and I tightly hugged her, shaking.

"Stephen..? Are you ok..?" She asked, hugging me back.
I clung to her, not wanting to let go, "I won't let you die... i-i promise.."
"What..?" (Y/N) pulled away from me, and looked at me, "Stephen what are you talking about?"
"Issac.. he said if I didn't give him what he wanted, he would kill everyone.. including you.. I won't let that happen.."
(Y/n) stayed silent for a moment, "I know you wont.. but you can't just give him what he wants either."
"I won't. Which is why I need a plan.. and you're help..."
"What could I do?"
"You know him better then I do.. if he has any weaknesses, you would know.. but we need to act fast about this, we only have a week.." I said
"Alright.. well then we shouldn't waste any time."

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