The End

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2 years had gone by since we had killed Issac and gotten the eye back. (Y/n) and I had been able to rest peacefully knowing he was no longer a threat. Kamar Taj had felt empty ever since Mordo sacrificed himself to get rid of Kaecilius for good, but (y/n) always managed to lighten the mood. I always told myself that he did it for good reason, that it was the only option he had. I just wish I could've done more to save him.
The last two years have been filled with mostly training of new members. Not many people were coming in anymore, but it was ok. There were other locations, and other protectors. The one thing I cared most about was keeping (y/n) safe. That was my priority. I had almost lost her to Issac, I wasn't about to lose her to any other threats. Aside from the occasional breach, everything was peaceful. (Y/n) was as cheerful as always. Watching her help train the other recruits was usually the highlight of my day. She was always so patient and calm with everyone, a skill I could never master. All in all, I'm just glad everything was finally over.

I sat in my room, staring at my hands. As good as things were now, I still had my own problems to overcome. The same problem I've always had. My hands, they always twitch, they always shake. No matter what I did they always-

"Stephen?" I heard (y/n) say
I turned to see her in the doorway and softly smiled at her, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"You've been in here for awhile.. I just wanted to make sure you were ok."
"Yes, I'm ok. Just.. thinking." I replied
She walked over to me and sat in my lap, "Oh? What about?"
I wrapped my arms around her and smiled, "Oh, nothing important. Just random thoughts."
"Well, if you're done thinking about random things, I had something I wanted to ask you."
I tilted my head, "What is it?"
"Well.. We've been together for awhile and I was wondering if you would.. um.."
"(Y/n) Are you proposing to me?" I chuckled
Her face went bright red, "What? N-no! I-i was going to ask if you would tell me about your past life i-" She paused, "Do.. Do you..?"
"Well.. I have been thinking about it, and well.. I never got a ring.."
"Oh my god.. oh my god! Are you being serious??" She asked, smiling brightly
"Have you ever known me to kid?"

(Y/n) laughed happily and pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss. I pulled her close to me and happily returned the kiss. She pulled back, smiling brighter than I've seen her smile. I smiled and pecked her cheek.

"Promise me one thing though.." I said
"If anything serious ever happens, and I have to leave.. I want you to stay here and protect everyone. Married or not, I don't want any more near death experiences."
She laughs a bit, "Ok. As long as you promise not to throw yourself in front of danger."
"We have a deal."

I held my hand out for a handshake, giving her a sly grin. She laughs and shakes my hand before placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. I held her hand in mine and looked at her. How anyone could be as perfect as her, I will never know. Im just happy to be able to say that I belong to her, and her alone.

"I love you, Stephen.."
"I love you too, (y/n).. More than life itself.."
"Even more than pizza rolls?" She asks playfully
I chuckled, "Yes. Even more than pizza rolls."

(Y/n) gets up and smiles, "I'll be right back." She said, as she skips out of the room. I sighed happily and turned back to my desk and folded my hands. I felt a slight tremor in them, before feeling nothing. For the first time in a long time, my hands weren't trembling. They weren't shaking. For the first time in a long time, I felt truly at peace. Like everything was ok. That was until I heard her scream.

That was when I realized that everything was not ok.. that the peace clearly, was not to last.

To be continued....

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