Chapter 9

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"You're a fool!! Think you could trick me that easily?!"

Issac cast the same spell he had used to stab me the first time he attacked me. This time is was aimed at my chest. I was already wounded, on my knees, trying to stay concious. Blood spilled from my shoulder. I glanced over at Mordo, who was on the ground. Issac pulled the spear back, about to launch it at me.

"I thought you were smarter then this, Stephen Strange."

He threw the spear towards me, and I closed my eyes, awaiting my death. But it didnt come. I opened my eyes, and a portal was in front of me. When the portal closed, she was standing on the other side. Blood dripped to the ground, and I watched as (y/n) fell to the ground.

I walked into the courtyard where Mordo had been waiting for me.

"Are you sure about this?" Mordo asked
I let out a sigh, "As ready as I'll ever be. Do you have the staff?"
Mordo nodded and grabbed the staff from a nearby weapons table. "It's right here."
"Alright.. Let's go."

I opened a portal to an open field far from Kamar Taj. We both stepped through the portal and closed it behind us. Mordo handed the staff to me and I looked down at it.

"You think he will notice that it is a fake?" Mordo asked
"Oh he will notice. But not before we can make our move."
"Let's hope. Are you sure he going to come?"

I nodded and sighed, "Let's get this over with.." I gripped the staff and waited. We had contacted Issac and told him to meet us in this spot. Then, when he arrived, we would hand over the staff. When he took it, we would jump him and make him give us the location of the eye, and kill him. A few minutes passed and a portal opened up, Issac stepping through it.

"Im glad you've finally come to your senses, Stephen." He said
"Im only doing this to protect my people."
"Regardless. Hand it over."

I held the staff out towards Issac, and he took it. He ran his hands over it, smiling.

"Oh Stephen.." Issac said, snapping the staff in half, "You're so stupid.. Did you honestly think i would fall for your little trick?!"

Issac threw the broken staff to the ground and cast a whip into his hands. I took a step back, as did Mordo. Issac took the whip and whipped it at Mordo, wrapping it around his legs and pulling him down, dragging him towards himself. I ran to stop him from hurting Mordo, but Issac stopped me by shooting a spear into my shoulder. I yelled, as Issac lifted Mordo into the air and slamming him to the ground, knocking him out. My cloak lifted me into the air and I began casting spells to attack him with, but each one he managed to evade. He held his hands out and I was hit with some kind of invisible force and fell to the ground. I grabbed my shoulder, shaking, pushing myself up.

You fool! You think you could trick me that easily?!"


I quickly crawled over to (y/n), shaking, trying to stop the bleeding. Issac seemed to cease his attacks, and just stood there. I placed my hands over her wound and applied pressure. She looked up at me, her eyes tearing up.

"St-stephen.. i-i.."
"No.. Don't talk. I-it'll be ok.. just hold on.."

Mordo groaned, pushing himself up. Issac quickly opened a portal, jumping through and disappearing. I was freaking out, trying desperately to stop the bleeding.

"Mordo! Get us back to Kamar Taj!"

Mordo opens a portal, and I carefully pick up (y/n) and run through. I run to a spare room and lay her down on the bed, Mordo close behind. I quickly rounded up some medical supplies and began to work on closing up her wound. I didn't have time to give her any numbing agents, nor did we even have any. I started cleaning off her wound. Every time the cloth touched anywhere near her wound, she would whimper. I hated this.. I shouldn't of gone through with the plan. But how did (y/n) know where we were? I shook my head, it wasn't important. Helping (y/n) was.


About 3 hours had passed. I managed to patch (y/n)'s wound, but she had fallen unconcious while i was doing that. I haven't left her side since. I wanted to be there when she woke up. I immediately perked up when I saw her shift and open her eyes.

"Wh-what happened..?" She asked
"You were attacked.. you're fine now, as long as you don't move to much."
"Are you ok..?"
"I don't matter right now.. You do."
"N-no I don't.. I-i-" (Y/n) coughed and clutched her stomach, groaning
"Careful.. Just get some rest." I stood up to leave.
"D-don't leave.. please.."
I sighed, "I can't. I have to discuss something with Mordo."
"J-just.. until I fall asleep.."

I nodded and later down next to her. (Y/n) rolled on her side, shaking and put her arm around my waist. I gently held her close and kissed her forehead.


I pressed my lips to hers, gently kissing her before pulling away. She smiled and closed her eyes. I closed my eyes as well, not meaning to fall asleep, just to rest. After a few minutes, I had fallen asleep anyway, with (y/n) in my arms.

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