Chapter 4

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((A/N)) So first of all, i want to apologize for not writing in so long. School has been kinda rough lately and I haven't had alot of time to myself. Anyway, I wanted to thank you guys for 59 reads. I got on and saw that, and it really made my day. So again, thank you and I hope you enjoy the next chapter.

Stephens P.O.V
I stood outside, waiting for (Y/N) to come outside. I was starting to miss her (Y/E/C) eyes and- What am I thinking?! I shook my head and looked towards the doors. I saw (Y/N) walking out, in a sort of hobble. I gave her a worried look.

"Are you alright?" I asked
She looked at me, "Y-Yes! I'm fine just.. I'm not used to using magic to walk.."
I nodded, "Right.. Well, you said you wanted to train with me, so here I am. I don't see how practice with me will be different from Mordo but you insisted. Multiple times, might I add."
She gave a small laugh, and I noticed her blush, "Well, you're less strict than he is."
"Right. Well, whenever you're-"

Before i could finish my sentance I felt something whip at my legs, knocking me down. I quickly stood and looked at her in shock. I didn't even see her move...

"How did you..?"
She stood straight, a whip of light in her hands, "I've been practicing." She smiled.
"Right, well go easy on me." I grinned

I got into a stance and braced myself for her next move. She lunged at me, and I quickly stepped to the side, avoiding the whip she conjured up. Her moves were good. She managed to dodge my every attack, and landed multiple hits on me. I had finally began to get the upper hand until she tripped, falling into me. We both fell to the ground below us. I held onto her on instinct to try and protect her from hitting the concrete and closed my eyes. When I opened them, her face was just inches away from mine and my hands had landed on her waist.

My damn legs gave out on me again! I'd be fine in a minute and could easily get back up, but still! I was winning! It took me a second to realize that i was right in top of Stephen. I looked at him and felt my cheeks heat up. I felt his hands on my waist, but it was hard to believe they were his. They weren't trembling at all. He looked back at me, and we both stayed silent. I noticed him glance at my lips and I let my eyes wander to his. 'Oh my god oh my god oh my god! What am I thinking? Just get up and brush yourself off!' But I didn't. He moved closer to me. Right when he did, he immediately stood up and helped me up. He had a sort of hurt look on his face. But why? Stephen turned away from and brushed himself off.

"That's enough for today..." He said quietly
"I-im sorry my legs they-" I began
He raised his hand to silence me, "Its fine, don't apologize."
"Maybe we can continue tomorrow?"
"I don't think that will be necessary."

Before I could say anything, he quickly went inside. What just happened...? I could still feel the heat in my cheeks. Why am I blushing? Why couldn't I gather the strength to pick myself up? I stood silently in the courtyard for awhile before heading inside. I glance by Stephens room. The door was closed, meaning it was locked. Should i say something? I shook my head and went to my room

Stephen's P.O.V
I paced back and forth in my room. What just happened? What was I thinking?! There was no way I would ever do that but... Why was I so tempted? I sat on my bed and signed, putting my head in my hands. I felt a tight feeling my chest. What is happening? What is this, and why can't I get (Y/N) out of my head?

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