Chapter 15

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I sat in my office, quietly. My plans aren't coming together, and no matter what I think of, it's never good enough to take him down. This plan must be fool proof, with to possible outcome for failure. However, without the Eye, there's no true way to tell. (Y/N) had talked me into letting her help, even though i warned her what could happen.

I sighed and slammed my head on my desk, and right as I did, (Y/n) walked in.

I looked up, "Yes?"
"There's um.. There's someone here for you." She said, her voice shaking a bit
"Who?" I asked, standing up
"They're in the courtyard.."
"(Y/n) who is it?"

(Y/n) gave me a look, and I could tell by the look in her eyes, that it was him. The time for plans was over. I quickly left my office and made my way to the courtyard, and there he was. Standing in the middle of the courtyard, was Issac. The bastard I had been formulating a plan to take down. Around his neck, was the Eye.

"Hello Stephen." He said, turning to face me.
"Issac.." I snarled
"I got tired of waiting for you to come to me. I know you've been planning. I know you want to kill me. You've been planning for weeks now, but nothing has come to mind, has it?"
"How do you know I don't have a plan? How do you know that this isn't what I wanted?" I asked
"That would be because I have people here. Your own students, telling me your every move."

I froze. My students? They would never betray me!

"You're lying. They would do no such thing."
"Don't be so sure, Stephen Strange. Anyone would do it for the right price."

Before I could say something, (Y/n) ran out to the courtyard.

"Isaac, don't do this! Please.."
"(Y/n) go back inside." I said
Isaac chuckles, "Yes pet. Go back inside. Wouldn't want you dragged into this, now would we?"
(Y/n) tenses up, "I'm not going to let you hurt anyone here. I'll kill you myself if I have too."
"Please. You couldn't kill me if you wanted to. Don't worry, though. I won't be the one hurting anyone."

Isaac raises his hand, a small purple orb emitting from his hand. He grins.

"You will be."

He holds his hand out and the orb shoots at (Y/n). She gasps, and falls on her knees, looking down.

"(Y/n)!!) I yelled.

She slowly stands up, her eyes glowing a dark purple. Her face almost lifeless.

"What did you do to her?!"
"Oh. You'll see. It will be quite the show."

Isaac grins and snaps his fingers. As  he does, (y/n) turns to me, her hands twitching. She starts walking towards me. She summons a spear and launches it towards me. I quickly dodge it and start backing away.

"(Y/n) don't do this!"

She doesn't say anything and throes another spear. I dodge it and cast a shield up. She yells and runs at me, casting up a magic chain and starts attacking me with it. I deflect her every attack, trying to keep my distance.

"Stop this! He's controlling you, you have to fight this!" I plead, "Please, I don't want to hurt you!"

She rushes towards me and whips the chain, hitting me in the shoulder. I let out a yell as blood drips down my arm. She continues her attacks as a continue to back away.

"(Y/n) p-please..! Don't do this!" I plead, "Don't make me fight you!"

She stops and grabs her head, her eyes going back to their normal color, before quickly changing back to purple. She goes to attack me, but I quickly grab her and pin her. She struggles, but I keep my grip.

"(Y/n) snap out of this! Please!"

After awhile she stops struggling, her eyes going back to they're natural (e/c). She looks up at me.


I smile and help her up, before averting my gaze to Issac. His face reads pure rage.

"Fine! I'll deal with you myself.." He growls

Isaac casts up a long spear and starts towards us. It doesn't take me long to see that his target isn't me. It's (y/n). He throws the spear and my eyes widen. I quickly get in front of her and deflect the spear, and just as I do, 4 more are coming towards us.

"(Y/n) get inside, quick!" I cry

We both race for the door to get inside. If we can lose him, we could catch him off guard! I think to myself. (Y/n) runs inside and just as im about to, I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I stop and look down to see a spear in my chest before it disappears, blood dripping down my chest. I look up at (y/n) before falling over, the world going dark.

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