Chapter 16: Love and Betrayal.

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Peeta's pov:

Honestly, I don't know how long we have been lying here. Talking. Laughing. Stealing a few kisses here and there. Just enjoying the time we have with one another. It may easily have been hours. Both of us are over Willow in some way. Caressing her hands or cheeks. Speaking to her in a ridiculous baby voice with words she doesn't even understands yet, though she somehow finds it funny. I can tell Katniss' heart melts as much as mine when our baby smiles at us or letting out a squeal. I just wish that I could freeze this moment, right here, right now, and live in it forever. Even if forever isn't long.


"She just wouldn't let it go.. so.. yeah, I couldn't resist not to buy it." I explain with a smile on my lips while I observes the girls playing with the white - pink teddy rabbit I've bought at the store this morning. I watch carefully with awe when Willows small hand grab a fistful of soft white fur, bringing the teddy closer to herself to nuzzle her nose into it. Both Katniss and I chuckle out when Willow lets out a tiny sneeze before snuggling all of her face in the soft fur, perhaps to get comfy for a nap or just because she finds it necessary to hide away from us. Neither way, it's adorable.

This, all of this, seems like a dream to me and in someway, I know I have to wake up and face the reality soon before I swim to deep down where I can't get up again. My reality of getting the hell away and elsewhere before it's too late. The problem is that I am petrified of the reality. To let go. To turn my back and leave Katniss and our baby behind for my own selfish reasons. I feel selfish just having thoughts about it. I slowly shake my head to get rid of that thought and clear my mind. Even if my intention is to go, I can't. Not after witnessing my fight for a happy family life coming true.

Apparently, Katniss notice my distant mind cuz she very lightly run the back of her free hand over the rough skin of my cheek. I can feel her fingers brushing over my growing beard, but she surely doesn't seem to care one bit about it as she keeps on stroking my blushing cheek. Her hand is warm and comforting and I instantly brings myself to lean against it.

"You know how much I love you, right?" I ask her softly as my eyes search for hers in a desperate need to see any emotion forming on her beautiful face. But none is crossing. Her eyes is still as full of love as they were before, when our eyes lock and a gorgeous smile curls up on her lips as she nod her head. She doesn't answer my question with words, though. Instead, she lightly reaches up to brush her soft cherry red lips with mine in a sweet and innocent peck.

It's funny how such a small gesture can make my heart jump right out of my chest. Making me feel like a crazy head over heels in love teenager all over again. It makes me want more, though I keep that sort of thoughts to myself. The sun is slightly setting down and streams into the cracked open window, letting the orange and soft pink sunbeam hitting her silky olive skin. Normally, I would tell her how beautiful she would look. How extremely gorgeous she is. But in this moment, she is so much more than that. She is a goddess sent down from heaven to tease with my emotions and unconditional love. She is as radiant as the sun itself.

She picks Willow up in her arms and sits up on the bed and for a second, I worry that she will storm out of the room and leave me here to myself. But to my relieve, she simply moves our baby onto my shirt covered torso. I give her a loving smile and a gently peck on her lips as I rest my left hand over the babys middle, to insure that she doesn't roll down. My right hand reaches up to Katniss' cheek and cares it softly. My heart is racing away, so fast and loud that I know she can hear it, when she leans down and gives me a real, proper passionate kiss full of love. Both my hands reaches up to cup each of her blushing cheeks, to deepen the kiss further.

I am taking back to the first time I saw her. Like my head is playing an old forgotten movie you never thought of re-watching. The appealing way she stood out from the crowd of the cotton candy dressed capitolians. Her painting that I disliked at first sight and the fierce reprimand she gave me. The first kiss we shared on the second night. The songs she would dedicate to me whenever I was at the bar she worked at. Our late night dancing. My constant desperation to stay with her and later, the proposing. The amazing night we shared and the tears we cried the morning after. All the love letters I wrote to her, only to throw them in the trash. My own conviction about my love for Delly, which apparently was never there in the first place.

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