12. Insecurities

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The rest of my suspension passes slowly but I get through it and I finally get back to work. It's a nice distraction from the fact that Josh and I were going to see Andrew this weekend. I wasn't nervous to see him of course, Andrew and I always got along, it was Callie I was afraid to see.

"You look a million miles away Peaches" Riley says while we're eating lunch on Tuesday afternoon making me sigh before taking a sip of my strawberry kiwi Snapple.

"Sorry. I'm just thinking about this weekend."

"Seeing Callie? Come on Maya my uncle has no interest in her, he only has eyes for you" she insists making me smile as I nod.

"I know but it's still hard. Josh is my past, I kinda dated Zay but not really but Callie is the girl Josh thought he was starting a family with."

"And you're the girl he actually did start a family with" Riley replies as she throws a pretzel thin at me. "Stop this. You have been insecure in your relationship with my uncle for years but you have no reason to. He loves you and Emma. He's marrying you."

I stare at her unsure of what to say in response. Of course I knew that Josh loved me, of course I knew that our family meant everything to him, but there was also a part of me that still remembers that my dad once felt the same way about me and my mom. Whether I like it or not I'm always going to be the girl with trust issues because her dad left and I was terrified that history was going to repeat itself.


"I heard you were back" Matt smirks as he catches up to me in the hallway. "How was your suspension?"

"Boring as hell thanks for asking" I reply snippily as I continue to walk, hoping to lose him but I was failing epically as he continued to pick up the pace the faster I walked.

"How is life boring with a kid? Don't kids make life hectic?" he asks making me laugh as I shake my head.

"My daughter is in preschool so I'm still pretty bored during the day hence why I have a job."

"Oh so it's not because you enjoy my company?" I grow annoyed as grip his arm, pulling him into my empty classroom, making sure to lock the door.

"What is it you want from me Matt? For me to have some revelation that you're what's been missing from my life and that I don't need Josh anymore? You want me to lock the door and pull the curtains and let you have your way with me? Is that what you want?"

"I'd probably take you dinner first before having sex in an empty classroom" he shrugs making me grow even angrier.

"I'm in love with Josh. I'm getting married. I have a family. I will never be interested in you and your filthy prepositions. I have sex, plenty of sex with my fiancé. The last person I need anything from is you so please stop harassing me or I will let him kick your ass."

"We'll see in a few months" he smirks as he heads to the door. "By the way you shouldn't lock this door, it makes things look suspicious."


"Uh oh" Josh laughs as he walks into the loft after work seeing me on the couch with a bottle of wine sitting beside me on the coffee table. "Bad day at work?"

"You could say that" I sigh as he comes to take a seat beside me.

"What happened?"

"Matt's an ass and I'm insecure" I reply as I down my glass of wine before pouring more.

"Before we continue, where's our kid?" he asks as he glances around the loft.

"Across the hall" I motion to the door with my glass. "Topanga ran into me in the hallway when I got home and offered to take her for a little while."

"Gotcha. Then please continue" he smiles as he settles into the couch, placing on arm on the back of the couch and the other on my leg.

"Which part?" I ask as I take a sip of my wine.

"Since I know you I'm guessing the insecure part is you being nervous about seeing Callie this weekend even though you have no reason to be because I am not Kermit."

"You're smart" I reply as I sip my wine some more, almost emptying the glass.

"Okay we're done with this" Josh says as he takes my glass and the bottle and walks them into the kitchen before coming back to sit beside me. "What happened with the jackass?"

"He's just annoying. The things he says are way out of line. I got pissed off and dragged him into my classroom and sarcastically offered to have sex with him. He replied that he'd at least take me to dinner first. I told him I was gonna let you kick his ass and he smirked and got up to leave, telling me that locking my door made things look suspicious. Can I have my wine back?"

"No" Josh says simply as he stares at me. "This guy can't keep harassing you."

"He can and he will. Especially since I haven't exactly backed down from fighting back. I've said some things I probably shouldn't have."

"Maybe this job isn't such a good idea" Josh whispers as I shake my head.

"No. I'm not giving up my job because my coworker wants to get in my pants."

"Okay" Josh gives as he runs his fingers through his hair. "But if I hear him say shit to you I'm not kidding Maya, I'm gonna kick his ass. You're my fiancée, he can't talk to you like that."

"Okay" I smile as I scoot closer to him. "What should we do for the rest of the night?"

"You need to sober up a bit before we go get Emma" he says as he stands up and offers out his hand, "but we could do other stuff."

"I like other stuff" I smirk as I take his hand and follow him back to our bedroom.


Emma falls asleep between us after an episode of Austin and Ally. I flip the channel to The Bachelor and settle back in the bed ready to find out who Nick picks.

"What can I do?" Josh asks softly, catching my attention.

"What?" I ask confused as I rub my hand down Emma's arm while she sleeps beside me.

"This insecurity thing. I know it comes from your dad leaving but I just. I don't want you to keep thinking of me like that. What can I do?" he asks again sounding defeated and the thought makes me sad.

"That's the part that sucks. There's really nothing you can do. It's my thing to deal with. You've done everything right. You've been the perfect fiancé and the best dad, you've always made it clear that you aren't going anywhere. It's me."

"I hate that you feel like I'm gonna up and leave one day. I could never imagine a life without you and Emma. I have no idea how a man could up and leave his family one day without a second thought" he says as he looks down at our daughter, kissing her forehead before looking up at me. "You and Emma are my life Maya. I couldn't imagine it being any different and I'd never want to. I love you."

"I love you too" I reply as I lean over to kiss him. "Just keep being Josh okay. That's what you can do."

"You sure?"

"Positive" I reply as we settle back into silence. I hoped someday I'd be able to put my insecurities behind me, but for now I'd have to live with them and remind myself that Josh would never hurt me. 

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