You first meet

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Leonardo's gf
I sighed as I jumped into a puddle. My feet froze as the cold water sank through my boots and hit my toes. I was walking home from the cinema, it was dark and my friend had walked the other way to get home. I turned into an alleyway and saw a rat scurry past. I shivered and continued walking towards the street on the other side. I wasn't really concentrating when I crossed the road and I suddenly heard a car horn and I was so sure that was the end until two muscular hands grabbed me and pulled me onto the pavement. I turned to look at the one who had saved me but he had disappeared. The car raced past and I followed a trail of wet footprints until they disappeared. They seem to have gone up a building and onto a roof but how was that possible? I glanced up as a pebble fell from the buildings roof. A shadow led along the ground but as soon as it was there, it disappeared.

Raphael's gf
I was running back to my house when a shadow darted past. My hair was in a ponytail and I had shorts and a jacket on. I looked at my watch to see how far I had run; 2 miles. I sighed and rested my hands on my knees, my head bent low, exhausted. I turned as a bin fell over in the near distance. I caught my breath and slowly jogged over, curious. I bit my lip: 'there is no one in the alley way (y/n) stop being stupid', I told myself. I started to head back home but almost straight away a sharp star shaped weapon flew past and nearly hit my nose. I took a step back and turned to see who had thrown it.
They were large and not quite human? I blinked and like the shadows he had disappeared. Who was he and where did he come from?

Donnatello's gf
I had my hands full with books and a flask propped on top. I sighed as I followed the usual path home from school. School. My definition of school is a cruel place where people think themselves as better and prettier than you. I screwed up my nose slightly resulting in pushing my glasses up, so I could see. My fringe was partly covering the top of my eyes but I ignored it, like I always do.
"Hey, loser!" I heard someone say from behind me. I bent my head low and carried on walking.
"Oi! I'm talking to you. (Y/n) I'm talking, listen!" I bit my lip and fastened my pace.
"Nerd!" I heard another call and then laughter followed. I kept my head low and hurried faster, determined to keep the tears from falling. When it sounded like they had disappeared, I slowed and returned to my normal pace. I looked down at my shoes and when I wasn't looking, I tripped causing a ripple of laughter from behind me. My side killed but I got up, now wet and my books a mess. The flask had broke. I watched as they all left, their cocky remarks following. I bent to pick up my books but they weren't there. I saw them in a pile behind me, a new flask balanced perfectly on top. I looked around for the mysterious person who had helped but there was no one. I picked them up and kept an eye out to try to see if I could find them.

Michelangelo's gf
I sighed as I slightly drunkenly swayed towards the park. I giggled as I saw the skateboard ramp. I ran over and hired a skateboard. I felt the wind fly through my hair as I fell down the ramp and up the next. The curve arched and I sailed through it with ease. There was no one else there and so I went with ease from side to side, not having to dodge anyone.
The teen boy who was covering the park called he was going for a break and not to hurt myself to me. I shook my head and stared at him. He shrugged and slumped off.
I rolled my eyes and zoomed down. Maybe I was going too fast and maybe I was a bit too drunk and so when I fell I swear I saw a turtle catch me. But how? I was probably really sober and was imagining things but whoever caught me was no enemy. I remember giggling a thanks and then he disappeared. Who was he?

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