You meet again

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Leonardo's gf
I huffed to myself and kicked a pebble out of my way. Why was (f/n) being so annoying? After 3 years I thought she was my best friend and then she betrays me and ditches me for someone else! I breathed out and held my anger in. I wasn't one to get angry but she had really messed up now.
I followed the usual path home from school but suddenly turned down the wrong alleyway. I walked all the way down and then stamped my foot when i got to a dead end.
"Urgh!"  Cried and collapsed in a heap.
"Hey, are you ok?" I looked up and wiped a tear from my cheek.
"Ur..yeah...yeah..I' just fine." I murmured, staring at the one who had saved me before.
"Good. I'm Leonardo, by the way. I think we met a couple of days ago." He said.
"'m..I'm...(y/n)...I..was..I..." I tried to say but my mouth was failing me. Damn it.
"Well, I'm glad your ok." He smiled and took off. I watched until his blue mask had completely disappeared.

Raphael's gf
I was sat on the swings, my legs dangling off them. I had my headphones in and my best friend, (f/n), was on the swing next to me. I sighed and looked up to the sky. I wanted to see that face with the red bandana and strong muscles. (F/n) noticed and asked if I was ok. I nodded and out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash light of green. I jumped down and ran after it. I heard (f/n) call after me but I ignored her and waved a hand at her. I knew her so well, I know she rolled her eyes and traipsed back home. I ran faster, determined to see him.
"Hi!?" I called, hoping for a reply.
"Oh. Damn.." I heard a voice say.
"Please. Can I see you again?" I called.
"Its best if you didnt." He replied.
"I'm not afraid." I said sternly. I heard a huff and then a thud. He stood behind me. I turned and saw his perfect face again. (Y/n), stop being an idiot, he's a..a turtle? No way are you dating a turtle! But he is cute
"Wh...what's your name?" I asked, suddenly realising I was staring. I blushed and looked away.
"R...Raphael, but Raph is what ma brothers call me. And you are...?" He stuttered.
"(Y/n). Nice to meet you...?" I muttered and held out my hand. He held it in his and then released just as quickly.
"I'll see you around then?" He said.
" you have to go...I mean..yeah..ok!" I murmured, not taking my eyes off of his emerald ones. He winked and smirked at me, and then he disappeared, leaving me shell shocked.

Donnatello's gf
I had more books in my arms. I had just come back from the library and wanted to experiment on a new type of plant. As I was walking home I saw a ginger kitten and bent down to stroke it. I placed my books next to me and listened to the gentle purrs from the cat.
"He's cute." I heard a husky voice say from behind me. I turned to look at the stranger. He was hot!..for a turtle anyway!
"I..hi? He's...he's not mine..I was...just passing and I..." I started.
"Oh, he's still sweet." He replied. I nodded. Yeah, that turtle is sweet, I thought to myself.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"...(y/n)..." I replied.
"That's nice." He commented. I gently smiled up at him.
"I ought to be going then." He said. I nodded, trying to hide my sadness from his departure.
"I'll see you soon."
"Yeah..." I sighed. I picked up my books and abandoned the cat. I was so happy I didn't notice the cat was following me. He must have gotten tangled around my legs because I soon found myself falling. Two, three fingered, hands caught me and pulled my upright.
"That was soon." I joked.
"Ha, yeah!" He blushed and waved as he climbed up onto a roof.

Michelangelo's gf
I trudged home from the nearest (restaurant), my stomach grumbling for more but my purse being cheap. I bit my lip as I wondered towards the nearest bench. I rested on it for a minute, looking out between two trees. The sky was a light pink, the sun just setting. It was picture perfect. I closed my eyes for a second...
I opened them a while later and saw a pizza box left next to me. I turned and looked around but there was no one. I frowned and opened it. There was a note attached;
Hey, so I don't know your name yet but I thought you might like this? See ya around ;)
I smiled and saw someone dart off in the distance. I grabbed the box and chased after them.
"Hey, wait!" I called after them. They turned. I slowed to a stop as I neared him. He was the one who had caught me on the skateboard ramp earlier.
"Who...who are you?" I stuttered.
"I'm mikey, what bout you dudette?" I giggled shyly.
"I'm (y/n)." I sighed at his perfectness. His orange bandana swaying in the wind.
"Enjoy the pizza." He called as he leaped away. I waved after him. How was a turtle so perfect?!

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