The big prank!

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Third person
(R/gf), Raph, (L/gf) and Leo sat in the dojo.
They wanted to prank Donnie and his girlfriend as Raph's girlfriend felt Donnie's had been getting too 'close' to her boyfriend and sought revenge.
All four of them had come up with several ideas on how to perform the prank and they put all their ideas together.
"We could pretend three of us dead and one badly hurt and pretend their was a break in and tell them we fought to protect the mutagen and make them feel bad?"
"We could have us all making out and when they come in Raph could grab (D/gf) and ditch his girlfriend for her?" Were several ideas.
They thought for another minute, Raph being leant on by his girlfriend and Leonard's girlfriend sitting on his lap.
"I know! We could forge a letter saying it's from (D/gf) to Raph saying she likes him and then him replying and one of us could be attacking Raph for cheating on (R/gf) and then she could walk in and 'kill' him and then regret it and Leo could start attacking (R/gf) and she could 'die' as well and I could be upset at Leo and see where it goes from there?" Leo's girlfriend suggested.
"Sounds good to me!" Raphs girlfriend replied. The boys nodded.
"Right, I'll go get the letter sorted, babe you go get the 'blood', Leo go get knives or weapons and (L/gf) can you tell Mikey and his girlfriend we are doing a prank and to lead Donnie and his girl in at the right time please?" Raph said and they all nodded and rushed off to do their various tasks.

They all met back in the dojo ten minutes later and everything was quickly set up.
(R/gf) had the letter in her hand and was stood opposite her boyfriend. Raph had spots of 'blood' over him and looked gravely injured.
His girlfriend applied a couple more wounds and made it look like there was a deep cut in his chest with the fake blood. She then held his sais in her hand and placed one next to him.
(L/gf) walked over and (R/gf) handed her the notes and katana. Raph placed a kiss on his girlfriends forehead before she abandoned him and she blushed but then smiled.
They all nodded at each other.
(R/gf) and Leo walked into the lounge and flopped onto the sofa.
They heard sudden screams from the dojo and then Donnie and his girlfriend followed Mikey and his girlfriend into the lounge, as planned. The two on the sofa looked around pretending to be confused before standing up and walking slowly and cautiously towards the dojo. Leo entered first and let out an over exaggerated gasp.
His girlfriend had one of Raphs sais in her hand and made it look like she had been stabbing him.
Raphs girlfriend pushed past Leo and ran to her boyfriends side.
The four others walked in behind Leo as he ran over to his girlfriend.
"R...Raph!" Raphs girlfriend cried, holding the letters in her shaking hand. Raph had his hand over one of his 'wounds'.
She gave Donnie's girlfriend a cold stare as her boyfriend tried to calm her.
"Please, babe..." he whispered.
"No. cheater! You absolute p...player!" She screamed, close to tears.
"(R/gf), what's happened!?" Donnie asked approaching them slowly. Mikey grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the scene slightly, so he wouldn't notice the fake blood.
"I'll tell you what's happened! Your girlfriend has been sending my Raph love letters! And he's been replying to them!" She bawled.
"B...but?" Donnie turned to his girlfriend. She was speechless.
"Donnie, I never. T...this is clearly set up!" She cried. He shook his head at her.
Raphs girlfriend picked up his sais and started pretending to plunge his sais at his chest and he pretended to be in pain and bleed more.
She suddenly stabbed sharply at his heart and they all gasped.
He fell, a loud crack sounding around the lair.
(R/gf) suddenly started gasping and dropped everything in her hands. They all turned to look at her. She shook her head and fell to her knees, sobbing.
"(R..r/gf..)! What have you done!? My brother!!" Leo cried and suddenly plunged at her with his own weapons.
She screamed and pretended to faint from blood loss. As she collapsed next to her boyfriend, she moved her top to show the 'blood'.
Leo's girlfriend gasped and took a step back from him. Donnie's girlfriend was grabbing onto her boyfriend as they gradually approached them. Mikey and his girlfriend followed them.
" cheated on me! With Raph!" Donnie cried before falling onto his knees next to his brother.
" can't be happening!" Mikey cried and dropped next to Raphs other side.
"Brother. Wake up. Raph! (R/gf)? Please guys!?" Leo murmured and sat with his head in his hands between the two 'dead' bodies.
"L..Leo? I'm..I'm breaking up with you. I don't feel safe dating a murderer." His girlfriend declared before crouching next to her friends 'dead' body.
"Babe! I...she's not she!? I didn't" Leo gasped.
She gently shook her friend but (R/gf) stayed in character.
Nobody said anything and (L/gf) wanted to get the prank going again.
"G..guys..." Leo's girlfriend mumbled. They all turned to face her.
"It's (R/gf)...she's...she's waking..!" She cried and gave her a little poke, hinting at her to 'wake' back up.
The 'dead body' started spluttering and coughing and tried to sit up.
Leo's girlfriend helped her sit up.
"Where....where am I!?" She cried, leaning into her friend.
"(R/gf)! You...your alive..!"
"Mhmm....where's...Raph!!" She cried and tried to move over to him.
"Don't touch him!" Leo screamed. (R/gf) gasped and looked up at him with a puzzled expression.
"It's your fault our brothers dead! Yours (R/gf)!!" He shook his head, tears dripping down his chin.
Raphs girlfriend shook her head and gulped, holding back tears. She watched as Donnie's girlfriend crept round to Raphs face. His girlfriend watched, fire in her eyes and elbowed Leo's girlfriend when no one was looking and gestured to where she was watching.
Donnie's girlfriend felt at his neck vein for a pulse.
"I..he's still alive! He...he has a pulse!" She cried.
"Maybe...someone could do CPU?" Donnie suggested.
"(R/gf) maybe?" Mikey suggested. She nodded but Leo cut her off.
"No way! It's her fault he's like this!" He cried before winking at her.
She smirked back and watched as Donnie's girlfriend bent over Raphs face.
She attached her mouth to his.
Raphs girlfriend squeezed Leo's to stop herself from screaming. She sympathetically rubbed her hand.
They watched as Donnie's girlfriend blushed a deep crimson.
Raph suddenly 'woke up' spluttering and coughing. Donnie's girlfriend sat back and held his hand in hers.
Fury could be seen dripping off of Raphs girlfriend but she kept her cool.
"(D..d.../gf...)? Did you..did you save me..?" He asked. She nodded, blushing.
"T..thanks...I...your amazing! And have great lips..."He giggled and moved a bit of her hair out of her eyes before snatching it back and covering his hand with his mouth.
"R..Raph!?" His girlfriend cried and limped nearer to him.
"B..babe?" He said as Raphs girlfriend collided her fist with Donnie's girlfriend.
"You dare touch my boyfriend again!!" She screamed and floored her. The weaker of the two whimpered under her strength.
"Babe! Get off!" Raph cried and separated them, still in character.
His girlfriend however, believed he wasn't. She leaped off of her enemy and stormed up to her boyfriend.
He nervously giggled as she charged at him. She pinned him down in seconds.
"What you playing at? I thought you liked me! This wasn't part of the prank!' She hissed.
"Cool it. Its meant to be part of the prank ok? I still love you, you idiot." He muttered, smirking at her. She grinned and removed herself from him.
"Raph! She's my girl! And you are not talking her from me!" Donnie screamed and ran over to his girlfriend.
She winked to Raph when no one was looking and then slapped Raph across his cheek. He winced and then gasped as she ran out of the dojo.
Leos girlfriend followed her and they high fived, both giggling.
"Shall we call it a win now?" Raphs girlfriend giggled and Leo's chortled a 'yeah'. They smirked as they walked back into the room.
"Urm..guys what's so funny!?" Donnie asked, concerned.
"It was a prank! Your girlfriend was flirting with my Raphael and we had to get revenge. I'm sorry, but your faces were absolutely priceless!" (R/gf) giggled. Leo's girlfriend shrugged and walked over to her boyfriend.
"I'm not breaking up with you babe." She whispered.
"I know." He replied and planted a kiss on her forehead. They smiled and Donnie's girlfriend stormed out of the room.
"Well done guys. You lot are jerks!" Donnie cried before following after his girlfriend. Mikey high fived his other brothers and congratulated the girls before him and his girlfriend also departed. The others cleaned up and wiped away the 'cuts'.
They didn't notice a figure standing in the doorway.
"Why? My sons! Leonardo, Raphael! I brought you up better than this!" Sensai cried, walking over to them.
They all gulped. They feared what was coming next...

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