When you train

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Leonardo's gf
I sat in the sofa, one leg dangling and one bent. I was sucking an eclair.
"Hey (y/n)? I was wondering...maybe you wanted me to help train you?" Leo asked. I turned to look at him. He was being serious. Eagerly I nodded and stood up.
"When can we start?!" I cried and walked over to him.
"When do you want to?" He asked.
"Now?" I asked, hopeful. He sighed but nodded. I smiled and ran to his room.
"Wrong room, babe, the dojo-" He called.
"I'm getting changed, Einstein." I replied and pulled down a loose tank top and shorts. I pulled them on and scraped my hair into a messy pony. I jogged back to Leo and I heard Raph wolf whistle. I heard a slap and guessed his girlfriend had slapped him. I smiled and followed Leonardo into the dojo.
"So, first try and kick. Try for my chest first and then the enemy will be distracted and then you aim for the legs to trip them over." He told me. I nodded and tried a sudden high kick at Leo. He dodged it. I frowned and tried again. He stumbled back a little and then I dropped onto one leg and slid my other leg into his so he toppled over.
"Well done!" He cried. I smiled with pride.
We trained for about 1/2 an hour, Leo showing me various moves and skills. I watched intently and copied. I could tell he was impressed.
"Maybe we could give you a weapon now?" He suggested. I nodded, excited. He took me over to a cupboard. He opened it and showed me a range of different objects. A particular one caught my eye. They were long swords but curved instead of straight like Leo's. The handled were a dull white and had a black pattern on.
"Shall we try them then?" He asked and got out his two katana. I held my tachi in my hands and positioned myself identical to my boyfriend. I leaped at him first but he blocked. He pushed me and untangled our swords and then went to strike at my leg. I pushed him off and he took a step back. We fought for a couple of minutes until it ended with me laying on my back, Leonardo in power and holding me down. He released his weight from me and offered his hand to help me up. I smiled and accepted it, happy the first day of training went great.

Raphael's gfI was laying on the sofa on my front, my legs kicked up behind me

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Raphael's gf
I was laying on the sofa on my front, my legs kicked up behind me. I was reading a magazine. I flicked through the pages, bored. I looked up as Raph opened the dojo door and walked over to me.
"Hey babe." He said and sat next to me.
"Hi." I chirped back.
"So I was wondering, maybe we should get you trained up a bit." He offered.
"Urm, excuse me! What you tryin' to say!?" I said, offended.
"I didn't mean it like that. I meant so you can defend yourself better and train to be a
kunoichi." He explained. I folded my magazine and sat up.
"Ok, that sounds fun. Wait, so do I get a weapon!?" I cried. He nodded. I squealed in excitement. He smiled and put an arm around me. I pulled away.
"Can we start now!?" I asked.
"Do we have to...it's like early still...." he moaned.
"Elevens not early, come on!" I called and pulled at his arm. He huffed but let me drag him to the dojo. I smiled and let go of his arm to hold his hand.
"So...let's start with a warm up." He said. I nodded. He smirked.
"Run around the dojo five times." He ordered. I frowned but did it anyway.
I stopped in front if him and waited from my next instruction.
"Do 50 push ups." He smiled. I groaned and shook my head. He raised his eyes and folded his arms. I pouted.
"Fine, 5." He smiled. I quickly did them and then struggled to stand back up.
"Maybe we should start with the basics. Copy me. " he said and swung a punch at me. I ducked and then repeated but at him. He nodded, impressed and then tried to kick me off balance. I jumped and copied him. He dodged and smirked. I shrugged.
"Good try." He mocked. I stuck my tongue out at him.
"When can I have a weapon!" I moaned.
"When your ready." He said. I scowled and followed his every move.
After two hours, I was dripping in sweat but so was he. He chucked me a bottle of water and I downed it. I buried my face into a towel and and then sighed, exhausted.
"I think you've earned your weapon (y/n)!" Raph called and beckoned me towards a wardrobe. I followed and looked into it. I gasped at the amount and then ran my hand over many of them.
"Aren't they what you have Raph?" I asked and pointed to a similar shaped object to the ones he carried.
"Similar, they are tepki, not sais. You can have them if you want, to match me." He giggled. They were manji designed and looked perfect. I nodded and tried stabbing Raph with one. He gasped in pain. I raised my eyebrow at him. He scowled and then pouted as I followed him back to the lounge.

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