When he cooks for you

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Leonardo's gf
I woke up to a sweet smell. I suddenly remembered. Leonardo had lost a bet to me and now he was going to cook for me all day.
I smiled and climbed out of his comfy bed. I was wearing a baggy top and shorts. I had bed hair as I wondered into the kitchen.
He was at the oven, a pan in his hand, pouring pancake mixture into it. I grinned before hugging his shell from behind.
He jumped before turning around. He smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Smells nice." I commented before sitting at the table.
"Only the best for my princess." He replied, smirking. I rolled my eyes as he prepared to flip the last pancake. I watched the concentration in his face as he flipped it; perfectly. He grinned with pride. I slowly clapped before yawning.
"Tired much?" He asked before placing a heap of pancakes in front of me. I licked my lips before grabbing the first one off the top. I covered it in syrup before digging in. Leonardo just watched. I nodded towards them, offering him one, but he shook his head. I shrugged before grabbing for the next one and covering it in sugar and lemon.

The morning quickly passed and lunch approached. I smiled, excited for the next course. I ran to the kitchen and sat in front of Leonardo. I gently tapped my nails along the table. He flinched before placing a panini in front of me. It had a (tuna/cheese/ham etc.) filling and chips on the side. I grinned before picking it up and taking a huge bite.
"Nice?" He asked, nervously. I nodded, my eyes closed, enjoying the taste.
"Amazing!" I whispered and I watched him smirk. He began to clear the kitchen.
"What's for dinner?" I gently asked. He shrugged.
"Wait and see." He replied, grinning. I rolled my eyes.
"See ya later then." I grinned and walked off. He pouted and I shrugged, imitating him. He stuck his tongue out. I just grinned back and went into the lounge.

The afternoon soon passed and dinner was smelling amazing. I walked into the dining room/kitchen at about 5:30. Leonardo had just called for me. I skipped over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek. He blushed and began serving tea. I closed my eyes until he placed something in front of me.
"Bon appetite!" He declared and I opened my eyes. It was one of my favourites: spaghetti bolognese. I grinned and dug in before it got cold. I watched him take something out of the fridge as I twirled the pasta on my fork.
The plate was empty within minutes. I frowned and looked back up at Leo.
"Ready for desert?" He offered. I nodded and put my hands over my eyes again. I felt him place a plate in front of me and he gently removed my hands. My mouth watered as I saw he had placed (fav/flav) cheesecake in front of me. I poured a little cream over it and Leo began to feed me. I grinned and enjoyed it. It didn't last. I opened my mouth again but nothing came. I frowned and he tutted.
"Still hungry?"  Leonardo asked. I shook my head.
"It was nice!" I complained.
"How 'bout this?" And our lips joined. I gasped but deepened it. I felt him grin and I darted my tongue into his mouth. He gently pushed mine out and stuck his tongue into my mouth. I pouted but let him. It was nice.
I'll cook for him next time if this is supper!

Raphael's gf
I smiled to myself. I had managed to bribe Raph to cook for me today. He was baking croissants for me at the minute.
"(Y/n)!" Raphs voice echoed around the lair. I smirked before sauntering into the kitchen.
"Yes Raphael?" I teased. He banged a plate down on the table. It had two croissants, a pot of butter and a pot of (cherry/raspberry/strawberry etc.) jam next to it. My stomach grumbled before I pulled it closer and dug in. The combination of all the flavours made me very happy indeed. Raphael looked a bit lost so I broke off a piece and covered it in butter and then a blob of jam before cramming it into his mouth. He looked up, eyes wide. I smirked and fed him occasional pieces.
"I love you." I whispered in his ear and placed a kiss on his cheek before leaving the kitchen.
"I need to cook more often!" He murmured under his breath.

I trained all morning, getting hot and sweaty. I stopped shortly for a break. I was wearing shorts and a thin top. I had a towel draped around my shoulders as I wondered towards the smell of lunch.
"Hey babe." I smiled, seeing Raph fluster his way around the kitchen, looking for cutlery. I jumped onto one of the stools before calling;
"Top drawer."
He turned before nodding and opening it. His face lifted slightly and he grabbed a knife before going back to making my lunch.
A few minutes later, he placed a (ham/cheese/tuna etc.) pitta in front of me. Next to it was a cute salad, shaped in a face and a handful of (salt and vinegar/cheese and onion/prawn cocktail etc.) flavoured crisps. I smiled before diving in. My senses buzzed! It tasted amazing. I wolfed it all and looked down, expecting more. I pouted before looking up at Raph.
"Nice?" He grinned. I nodded and cocked my head, like a dog.
"No more. You won't have room for dinner. Geez, I sound like Sensai! This is what you've turned me into!" He groaned and I slipped from my seat and swung my arms around his neck. I pecked at his lips and cuddled into his plastron. He cradled me before placing delicate kisses along my parting.
"Stop being so cute!" He whispered and I just shook my head, grinning.

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