When its your birthday

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Leonardo's gf
I woke up early and my bed was empty. Leonardo was missing. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before looking around the room. I noticed a couple of balloons drifting around the room and I suddenly remembered-it was my birthday! I screamed and ran into the lounge room. Everyone was in there and they suddenly screamed 'happy birthday!' I grinned from ear to ear before hugging them all in turn. I decided to have breakfast first. I collapsed onto the sofa and looked around the room. There was 8 presents on the coffee table and banners as well as balloons strung around the lair. I was soon presented with a plate of pancakes drizzled with chocolate and topped with raspberry's. I grinned and dug in quickly before it went cold. It was delicious and melted in the mouth. It was soon demolished and I began opening my presents! I received a pair of headphones from Donnie, a detailed mirror from (d/gf), a cute teddy from Mikey, a make up set from (M/gf) and then a pretty blanket from Raph and a sweet jumper from (r/gf). I thanked them all loads! I then had a precious (bday/month) gemstone attached to a silver chain from Splinter. I gasped and hugged him tightly. It was gorgeous. It finally came down to the last present from Leonardo. I ran my fingers over gently it before tearing open the blue wrapping. Inside was an Amazon Alexa. I thanked him lots and gave him a sweet kiss. It was perfect.
That morning we went out bowling, the turtles as guys and splinter also came. It was so fun and Mikey ended up winning. We then went to (fav/food) restaurant and I chose my favourite-(fav/food)! It was so delicious! When we returned home, the girls brought out a massive (fav/cake) with three tiers! It was decorated to perfection and I loved it! It tasted so amazing and everyone enjoyed it! My birthday was the best day ever!

Raphael's gf
I woke up early and my bed was cold. Raphael was missing. I sat up and blinked before glancing around the room. I noticed a couple of balloons drifting around the room and I suddenly remembered-it was my birthday! I grinned and ran into the lounge room. Everyone was in there and they suddenly screamed 'happy birthday!' I grinned from ear to ear before hugging them all in turn. I decided to have breakfast first. I collapsed onto the sofa and looked around the room. There was 8 presents on the coffee table and banners as well as balloons strung around the lair. I was soon presented with a plate of croissants with sweet cherry jam and a hot chocolate. I grinned and dug in quickly before it went cold. It was delicious and melted in the mouth. It was soon demolished and I began opening my presents! I received a couple of books from Donnie, a patterned cushion from (d/gf), a phone case from Mikey, a pair of earphones from (M/gf) and then a DVD set from Leo and a Harry Potter wand from (l/gf). I thanked them all loads! I then had a precious (bday/month) gemstone attached to a silver chain from Sensai. I gasped and hugged him tightly. It was beautiful. It finally came down to the last present from Raphael. I ran my fingers over gently it before tearing open the red wrapping. Inside was a massive gerbil cage. I thanked him lots and gave him a sweet kiss. It was perfect.
At mid-morning we went to (fav/food) restaurant and I chose my favourite-(fav/food)! It was so delicious! Afterwards we went to see a film in the cinema and enjoyed sweet popcorn! When we returned home, the girls brought out a massive (fav/cake) with three tiers! It was decorated to perfection and I loved it! It tasted so amazing and everyone enjoyed it! My birthday was the best day ever!

Donatello's gf
I woke up early and my bed was spacious. Donatello was missing. I sat up and stretched before looking around the room. I noticed a couple of balloons drifting around the room and I suddenly remembered-it was my birthday! I cried out and ran into the lounge room. Everyone was in there and they suddenly screamed 'happy birthday!' I grinned from ear to ear before hugging them all in turn. I decided to have breakfast first. I collapsed onto the sofa and looked around the room. There was 8 presents on the coffee table and banners as well as balloons strung around the lair. I was soon presented with a plate with a bacon, egg and sausage bap on as well as a large cup of coffee. I grinned and dug in quickly before it went cold. It was delicious and melted in the mouth. It was soon demolished and I began opening my presents! I received a few books from Leo, a stationary set from (l/gf), a mug from Mikey, lab equipment from (M/gf) and then  watch from Raph and a therapeutic colouring book from (r/gf). I thanked them all loads! I then had a precious (bday/month) gemstone attached to a silver chain from Hamato Yoshi. I gasped and hugged him tightly. It was gorgeous. It finally came down to the last present from Donatello. I ran my fingers over gently it before tearing open the purple wrapping. Inside was a beautiful jewellery box. I thanked him lots and gave him a sweet kiss. It was perfect.

That morning we went out shopping with the turtles as guys and splinter also came. It was so fun and we all ended up buying something. We then went to (fav/food) restaurant and I chose my favourite-(fav/food)! It was so delicious! When we returned home, the girls brought out a massive (fav/cake) with three tiers! It was decorated to perfection and I loved it! It tasted so amazing and everyone enjoyed it! My birthday was the best day ever!

Michelangelo's gf
I woke up early and my bed was. Michelangelo  was missing. I sat up and yawned before glancing around the room. I noticed a couple of balloons drifting around the room and I suddenly remembered-it was my birthday! I grinned and ran into the lounge room. Everyone was in there and they suddenly screamed 'happy birthday!' I grinned from ear to ear before hugging them all in turn. I decided to have breakfast first. I collapsed onto the sofa and looked around the room. There was 8 presents on the coffee table and banners as well as balloons strung around the lair. I was soon presented with a plate of waffles drizzled in caramel. I grinned and dug in quickly before it went cold. It was delicious and melted in the mouth. It was soon demolished and I began opening my presents! I received a colouring book from Donnie, a CD from (d/gf), an Xbox game from Raph, a pretty bag from (R/gf) and then an ornament from Leo and a voucher from (l/gf). I thanked them all loads! I then had a precious (bday/month) gemstone attached to a silver chain from our shared Father. I gasped and hugged him tightly. It was beautiful. It finally came down to the last present from Michelangelo. I ran my fingers over gently it before tearing open the orange wrapping. Inside was two tickets for (fav/artist(s)). I thanked him lots and gave him a sweet kiss. It was perfect.

At mid-morning we went to (fav/food) restaurant and I chose my favourite-(fav/food)! It was so delicious! Afterwards we went to a skateboarding park! When we returned home, the girls brought out a massive (fav/cake) with three tiers! It was decorated to perfection and I loved it! It tasted so amazing and everyone enjoyed it! My birthday was the best day ever!

Hey! I'm so sorry for being inactive for ages but I hope you enjoy this chapter! Thank you so so much everyone for 14k!! That is a phenomenal amount and I'm very overwhelmed by how many of you actually read my writing! So I'd just like to say a massive thank you ❤️xx

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