Chapter 4

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Egypt POV

I woke up on the floor of my room. I got up and went into my bathroom. "woahh.." I said. I looked a mess. My makeup was a mess, my hair was tangled and it looked like I had been crying.

I took a long shower,washed my hair, and finished my hygiene stuff. I pulled on my robe and tied a towel over my wet hair, and walked into my closet to find an outfit. I settled on a black long sleeve crop top, Black and white horizontal stripped pants, and black wedge sneakers. I got dressed and redid my makeup. I straightened my hair but something was missing. I grabbed a black SnapBack and out it on. Perfect.

I grabbed my phone, bag, and keys and headed downstairs. I was just gonna grab and apple and a water, but once I stepped into the kitchen, everything that happened last night came back to me. Daniel, his parents, and my parents were at the table eating.

I just grabbed an apple and a water, and I was about to head out, but my mom spoke. " Egypt! Please. We need to talk." She said with pleading eyes. "What is there to talk about?" I snapped back. "Just sit and talk with us." she said. Reluctantly, I sat down.

"Now I know last night came as a shock, but this is a good idea. You two already get along well. We've been planning this since before you were born." My mom said. "But have you thought of how that would make me feel? Mom, I have a life. This is not a fairy tail or some weird cultural story. Ok? We are not from any of that it's not a tradition. Why would you arrange for me to get married to a complete stranger. How do you know if I even like him? You can't do this, it's not right!" I semi yelled, my hands shaking with anger. " Egypt Marie, that is no way to talk while company is present, let alone to us." My dad scolded. "Then what is the right way to talk??? Huh? You can't just sit here and expect me to be all peaches and cream with this information. " I said, my voice getting louder. " Well do you want us to do?" My mom said. "What do I want you to do? WHAT DO I WANT YOU TO DO? I TELL YOU WHAT I WANT AND RIGHT NOW I WANT YOU ALL TO STAY OUT OF MY LIFE!" I yelled storming out of the kitchen and outside to my car.

I turned on my car and plugged my phone into my car. I need to calm down before I go anywhere. I turn on the radio and All Me by Drake was playing. I cranked it up and listened to it before I pulled out of the driveway. I have no idea where I'm going, but I need to be away from all of them.


AWWW SNAP! Where do you think she is going? How do you think Daniel responded to this?

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