I can't keep myself away from you

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Well this is short but I hope it's enough

"I think the guy might have a point, Nina." Simón says and both Luna and Nina look at him surprised.

"A point?" Nina asks. "How could he have a point when he didn't explain anything? He just told me that he could see that I didn't like him and then left."

"I'm honestly just as confused as you are." Luna says. She really thought Gastón and Nina were doing great, they seemed to be getting closer and Gastón seemed to be sincerely like Nina, at least as a friend but apparently she should have been paying more attention. Luna shakes her head, she already knows why, or more accurately by who, she was getting distracted enough not to notices such an important thing and she already knows she can't let it happen again. She won't let it happen again.

"Come on." Simón says cleaning some glasses. "Yeah, you sometimes actually talked to him, I'll give you that but most of the time it was him struggling to keep a conversation about anything while you just gave him monosyllabic answers or just mumbled something that would stop the conversation."

Nina looks at Simón and then drops her head on the bar, Luna's softly pats her head.

"I honestly thought I was doing well." She mumbles, her voice muffled. "I really thought that we could at least be acquaintances."

"At least acquaintances?" Luna asks. "What was even your end game here?What was your best scenario?"

"Becoming actual friends with him and then spend my life away pining for him." Nina tells her.

"I thought you wanted to date him."Luna exclaims.

"I do want that."Nina sits straight again and looks at Luna in the eye. "But I was being realistic, a guy like Gastón would never date me and it turns out he will never be my friend either because I messed that up too."

"Come on, Nina." Luna says. "Don't say that, you haven't messed anything up."

"As much as I would like to believe you, Luna, I can't," Nina shrugs. "Maybe this is better, maybe this way I can stop having this stupid crush on him and lose hope for the impossibility of him being into me."

"It's not impossible." Luna tells her in a soft voice.

"And if that guy doesn't see how amazing you are then it's his problem." Simón adds. "And his lost."

Nina chuckles bitterly at that and Luna can see that she doesn't believe any word coming out of their mouths. Luna looks at Nina, she is such a great girl if she could only see that.

"You are amazing, Nina." Luna tells her in a soft voice. "Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life."

"You just gotta let your true self shine." Simón adds and Luna nods. "You can't expect to get anywhere with anyone of they do all the work."

"It's just so hard for me."Nina sighs. "Human interaction is not my thing."

"That's not entirely true." Simón tells her. "You and I became friends pretty quickly, the same happened with the rest of the band and you and Luna met each other like two weeks ago and are already great friends, you are just nervous around him."

"Yeah but you and the guys did basically all the work." Nina tells him. "And so did Luna."

"My point is that you still managed." Simón tells her kindly. "You could make a lot of friends if you really wanted to."

"What about Jim and Yam?" Nina asks. "I've known them forever and they are not really my friends."

"They don't count." Simón says. "Third wheeling a couple sucks, third wheeling two best friends is even worse. I can't imagine how it is when they are both."

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