Being away has never hurt so bad

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Some gastina some lutteo some important talks and one that will start. Hope you guys enjoy it. (This has been here since monday, wtf me? wtf?) 

Matteo sighs again and Gastón throws him a look. He has never seen his best friend so obviously upset about a girl and he is sure that in general he could count with the fingers of a hand the times he hasn't been able to at least pretend he isn't upset about something and all of those other times it had to do with his parents. Gastón takes a book off the table and stands up to leave it on the shelf, he has spent the whole week trying to find a way to cheer Matteo up or make Luna talk to him and at least explain what happened but the girl has disappeared off the face of earth and she has done such a great job at it that he hasn't even seen Nina around.

He rests his head against the shelves, he has no idea what to do to help his friend out and that's probably one of the most frustrating things he has experienced. He doesn't like seeing Matteo like this.

"Hey." A soft, small voice and Gastón turns around to find Nina. He looks at her surprised and confused for a few seconds. He hasn't seen her or talked to her in over a week and he has no idea why she would approach him when he is sure she doesn't even like him.

"Hi." He says slowly looking at her and her cheeks fill with red as she looks down to her shoes.

"Hi." She repeats not looking at him and Gastón waits for her to say something else or explain why she is talking with him. She does not. He is not really surprised.

"Well, I need to go." Gastón says and starts walking but Nina steps in front of him. Surprising both of them, judging by her face.

"Please, no." She whispers. "I want to talk to you."

Gastón looks at her and nods, letting her know he is listening to him. She takes a deep breath and opens her mouth, she says nothing, she closes it her cheeks becoming a deeper shade of red and she repeats the action once more before sighing deeply and closing her eyes.

"It's not true that I don't like you." She says, eyes still closed.

"Excuse me?" Gastón asks, confused.

"I know that I might have given off that vibe." She says opening her eyes slowly. "I know that I barely talked to you or answered you every time you tried to have a conversation with me and I know that couldn't have been nice and I'm sorry. It's not that I don't like you, it's just that I'm not good with new people."

Gastón looks back to every interaction he has had with Nina, not through the lense of his wounded ego every time he felt she was ignoring him or shrugging him off but a more objective one where he places her words and managed to see her actions as shyness. It makes sense, except for one tiny detail.

"Luna is new and you guys seem really close." He tells her.

"Luna is..." Nina sighs and takes a few seconds, probably trying to look for the words. "She is different, she could become friends with anyone and she did most of the job."

Gastón looks at her, the feeling that she is hiding something still on his chest but he can't actually refute what he is saying, with Matteo he has seen first hand the effect Luna Valente can have on people so it does make sense. He just nods, thoughtful.

"It's just that..." Nina starts looking past him and into the wall behind. "It's hard for me to make friends and even if I really want to be friends with you I don't really know how to do it."

She looks down at her hands, playing with her fingers and her face falls after a few seconds of silence. Gastón doesn't have the heart to tell her no, she is a great, interesting girl, that's why he started talking with her and he really could use a friend who would freak out about books with him.

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