Foggy Nelson + S.O.

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Requested by: LionessSister

-Meeting because Foggy was drooling over you from afar and Matt basically pushed him into you. Then an awkwardly stammered out introduction occurred, followed by a lot of blushing done by the both of you.

-A hilariously awkward first date, where you end up having to initiate the end of the night kiss.

-Finding out that you both love to watch terrible television, and then making it a regular date night activity. Bad TV, lots of popcorn, and Foggy, what else could you possibly need?

-When he and Matt get drunk at the bar, Matt calls you to pick up Foggy who is an adorable mess when you come to get him.

-Hugging him from behind whenever you surprise him.

-Cuddling him when he's grumpy, cuddling when you sleep, cuddling him when you're cold,  just SO. MUCH. CUDDLING.

-Constantly baking for him, especially pie, and quite often cookies.

-Sometimes when he's getting really worked up about something he'll start to talk really fast and gets himself even more worked up. So to calm him down and stop the ranting you grab a cookie and stick it in his mouth mid-sentence. It sounds annoying, but it forces him to slow down and calm down. Also he loves your cookies and is not mad about it at all.

-Karen and Matt ship it.

-You two being adorable whenever you got to meet him at work, and Matt making fake gagging noises at you.

-Sometimes he falls asleep on your shoulder and he nuzzles even closer to you as he dreams.

-Not knowing about Matt being Daredevil until eventually Foggy is telling you about his day and he accidentally mentions it, without evening realizing.  

-Warm hugs. Shy kisses. Loving eyes, and sweet smiles.

-Sitting up in bed, with Foggy leaning back on your chest. He goes over case files while you run your fingers through his hair.

- You: "Hey Foggy, did you eat the last cookie?"

   Foggy: "What? No!" *Trying to fake being offended.*

   You: "Uh huh, I totally believe you." *Reaches over to brush a couple of crumbs off his tie*

   Foggy: *Looks up at you a little ashamed.

   You: "Don't worry, I still love you."*Kisses him on the cheek."

   Foggy: *Adorable blushing, and smiles.*

-You complimented his cologne once and now it's the only thing he wears, which is perfect because you absolutely love it. He always smells good, kind of like cinnamon, something else spicy and earthy at the same time, and just a tiny hint of something sweet.

-Foggy is the cutest Hufflepuff ever, so he is always there for you and trying his best to make sure you're always happy.

*Also this is totally him when he wakes up next to you.

*Also this is totally him when he wakes up next to you

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