Chapter 30: Red Metal

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Chapter 30: Red Metal

Siva was silent. He nodded at Thorn and thought of the name Lolita Corals. Apparently, that name rings a bell deep in his memories.

It was like that same feeling when he was familiar with something and was also not at the same time.

Before, he thought of these Deja Vus as something to ignore but ever since he had learned of his forgotten memories that had a connection to the mysterious girl named Samantha, he began to suspect that there are a lot of important things he had forgotten.

In fact, when he saw Samantha 'died', he actually felt really heartbroken... the kind that bothered him even until now whenever he thinks about it.

Of the three, Volt was confused, "What is this annual Youth Conclave of Achievers?"

Thorn said, "It is the annual congregation of the world's best youth achievers. As you've known, ever since the World Government –UNICORN, has been established, the academic system of all countries had been unified into a single integrated system and thus, whoever achieves the greatest academic results or at least had special achievements shall be invited to attend the Annual Youth Conclave of Achievers."

"Was it just purely academic results that entitle one to be invited into that assembly?"

"Not entirely, no." Thorn shook his head and glanced at Siva. "For example, him, Rex Kingsley. Although he wasn't any better than Lolita Corals in terms of academic achievements, as far as I know, he earned his invitation because of his achievements."

Volt glanced at Siva and smiled bitterly. "You were that cool?"

If his skin wasn't black, then perhaps Siva was beet red at the moment. He shook his head and answered Volt's honest request for an explanation.

"I am not really good at academics. But I won the International Sagittarius Championships, won 16 Gold medals at the Sea Games Swimming events, and the Championships in both the Juniors Cup and the Open Wimbledon Tournament all in one year."

Volt was silent for a few seconds, processing this kind of information.

Three types of sports events and he won them all in a streak in under a year.

If he wasn't a prodigy of sports, then what was he?

And yet, when Volt was about to accept that fact, he heard Thorn spoke in a rather rebuking tone.

"That's not the reason why you were invited." He said and Volt was genuinely surprised. "You were invited because you are the youngest winner of the Nobel Prize award in this century because of your collaboration to the development of the [Android Mobile Armor] systems by submitting the general engineered frame design for it."

"You contributed to the Android Program?" Volt was unable to believe it.

Two years ago, there was an announcement to the world for aspiring engineers and inventors to come up with an integrated engineering design for the frame for a technology called [Android] by the UNICORN.

People around the world submitted their own designs and even he, Matthew, actually sent his own.

But not only did he not pass through the preliminary eliminations, his design was actually rejected as to having too many flaws by the screening directors.

It was one good thing to be able to receive genuine advice from his design but to actually meet someone who actually passed through all the strict screening qualifications and to contribute directly to the design of the Android Systems, Rex Kingsley is such a legend.

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