Chapter 50: Emergency

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Sorry guys for the late update. I just got home from trying to canvas a new set of computer.

Right now, the one I've been using all this time has just broke. Smoke came out of the CPU and the techs I asked for advise said that the motherboard was fried. Thankfully, only a week's worth of effort were fried along with it.

Although I do have a back up of three chapters here on Wattpad, I will have to edit them again since the last edited version were fried along with the computer.

I'm really tired but I will not sleep before I give you this chapter.

Please enjoy the read and if you can, please also support me on Patreon so that we can at least buy something that can help us continue our work.

For the time being, I will continue working on net shops so updates will be around in the middle of the night with a few more mistakes and errors here and there because I have to make sure that while I write, it would be at least clean enough as a final version.

But don't worry, I will exhaust myself to make sure that those mistakes are minimal.

For now, please I want you to enjoy the read.

Give me a VOTE and tell me what you think about this chapter. 

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Enjoy the chapter.

Gotta sleep now. Headache from lack of sleep.


Chapter 50: Emergency

Their weapons aren't inventions... they were legendary weapons created through unknown ancient procedures using materials that perhaps only 1% have been known in the contemporary times.

It was evident from the fact that when their weapons met each other, a resonating ripple of Mana and an all-encompassing thundering explosion rattled the artificial sky dome and parted the synthetic clouds to form a ring.

The dome had large cracks upon which the light of the strengthening spell seeped out on them.

Many people were aghast and were scared especially those innocent and weak civilians who cowered at the mere might of those figures that could fly above the buildings.

But Jack and Volga remained steadfast and stolid on their stances; they were unwilling to give on each other's demands without fighting it to the end.

One is a prince and one is a devoted leader.

With their legendary weapons in hand clashing at each other, the repelling forces of the Mana naturally surroundings their weapons blew the two to part tens of meters away.

Both men had a look of shock in their faces. None of them expected that they would be able to produce such a force they'd only seen on videos and movies.

Jack, most especially, was more shocked as the first thing he thought wasn't those times when he had to watch other people's video game recordings for the purpose of tutorials... but rather... he first thought of his decided nemesis, Siva, and his fight against Hagrid in the Port City of Dragona.

"Is this... a power that could rival a God's?"

Upon murmuring, he raised his head to see an angry Volga screaming furiously. The man roared and kicked the air the booming sound of a firestone and compressed air was left where Volga used to be.

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