Chapter 94: Siva's Favor

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Chapter 94: Siva's Favor

After Thorn spoke, he enlarged the same video call again and a panel showing the scene in the city displayed itself that stunned everyone.

In the panel video, Alexander, the God Knight is being devoured by a squid-like liquidized form of the once majestic and feared Battleship Garuda owned by the Alcides Guild.

Garuda is a unique existence in the game and so many people will recognize it in one glance.

Only this time, it looked nothing like its originally majestic and overbearing appearance and was instead reduced into that ruined and ugly form.

"What is that thing?" Niobe reacted.

"It's obviously the Garuda but..." Ren was also kind of skeptic.

Of course none would believe that it was still the same Warship that had once appeared in the central continent of Zenturo... or in the Eastern Continent of Espada... or in the West Continent of Flowerion... or the Southern Continent, Heartilia...

Every time the Garuda appeared, there is always a war happening.

Its either they came as observers, as aggressors, or they only came to pass by. But no matter what it was that attracts them on each of these event, the very few times that the Alcides Guild had taken action was always filled with the news of their overwhelming victory.

Perhaps... the reason why they are also here in The North is because of the events connected to Siva.

After all, their contractor is a famous man.

Siva's crew, or anyone else in the world at that, never knew who or what power this Knight Golem symbolizes at the game, but they all knew that this is connected, once again, to that one player that started this series of in-game miracles...


Everyone was holding their breaths as they watched how Alexander was devoured.

Then a soft moan rang from behind. Scion gently opened her eyes and scanned their surroundings.

As they were moving towards the wall of Apus Epirus, towards an area directly in front of the main palace of the castle base, Scion finally got her balance and saw the unconscious Siva being supported on Thorn's shoulders.

"Rex!" Scion cried as soon as she got her bearing.

They landed on solid ground. As soon as Scion touched the floor, she immediately dashed at Siva who Thorn laid on her lap.

Scion caressed his face, fixing the black hair away from his face.

Tears formed on her face as she hugged him.

"Rex, I saw it... I saw what happened to you... he told me things... he told me about this world and your memories. He told me about your and Samantha's sacrifice... Rex... I'm so weak... I don't even know how I'd even help you!"

While Scion's actions as soon as she woke up was rather puzzling, her very words and actions right now spoke of matters that while her player avatar was borrowed by Terra earlier, there was a [someone] who showed her things with regards Siva.


To be correct, this [someone] showed Scion something that pertained to "memories".

Sivas crew, including Thorn, recalled Terra's words earlier... regarding a sealed memory and about the war 56 years ago in Terroa.

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