Chapter 20: Tempest Storms

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Hello guys!

This is your 4th chapter for this week.

Chapter is brought to you by "Josh" with special love and dedication.



Chapter 20: Tempest Storms




"What?! Lapis can do that!?" Siva couldn't help but to be wide-eyed in surprise. He had read and heard of many articles pertaining to Elemental Dragons being able to control the elements but he had never heard of a Ranked Monster doing that same ability before.

But as much as he doesn't want to admit this, he was looking at an S-Ranked Monster who was actually doing it right now.

"How is this possible?" Siva's mind was boggled and he froze there for a moment completely shocked.

Terroa is a game that contained many mysteries but it still followed a set of rules and guidelines when trying to create a 'role' where players interact with.

In this regard, these Ranked Monsters' role is to be the front obstacle that tunes a player into becoming strong enough to fight even against the weakest of the Elemental Dragons.

Then, according to the maturity of the Elemental Dragons, their strength was also ranked according to their own respective rankings. And... as far as anyone in the game is concerned, right after having the ability to battle mature Elemental Dragons, then the next enemies will be the Alien 'Demons' and the legendary Dragon Race.

Legends foretold of the might of the Dragon Race.

In the Book of Legends, every detail that tells of the horrors of the [Dragons] all said one thing: that they are the very symbol of absolute destruction. Before the arrival of the True Terrans, the Ancient Muans were suppressed by these creatures and the war that took place almost annihilated their entire race.

When the Terrans arrived, they liberated the Muans and thus the current Terran Civilization began.

Since then, 25 Cycles has passed. The Dragon Race was defeated twice and now, they are somewhere in the planet, regrouping, bidding their time to exact their revenge.

The people of the Dragon Race are born to have an innate ability to control the elements. To control any of the Elements means having a very powerful gift that can devastate any land with only one hand.

Currently, a clear reference to an Elemental goes by the name of Rogue that destroyed a Xargoal Mining City back in the Eastern Continent of Espada during the War of Two Powers.

As of today, no one knew where he came from or where he is based. All they knew is that he was strong and that a strong character like that definitely has a strong background.

Even now, Rogue is still being sought after by the TGG and the Sylphs' alliance. After all, the two had become a coalition after their war.

"It's not the same any more..." Siva murmured.

Staring at this tempest, he couldn't help but feel that this game had changed from what he had seen and known from the forums and sites. It was now like a different universe than the ones he's been able to patch together from the news and posts from many gamers who shared their experiences.

With rampaging might, the tempest formed by the Lapis Lazuli began to expand. The dancing tornado neared Siva's location. The sound of wind whipping through everything rumbled like a roar of an even bigger monster, louder than the metallic roar of the Colossus Demon.

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