Chapter 96: Bigger and Scarier Threat

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Chapter 96: Bigger and Scarier Threat

The marshal's voice rung on the Comms Channel:

"Juliet Units, suppress the enemies in the entire northern quadrant. Romeo Units will take care of the east and west sides."

[Roger that, Cap'n.]

[Loud and Clear.]

He stretched and waved a gesture like a Fuhrer, as a stern and stolid command reverberated like thunder and lightning.

"Begin operation."


Billion gave the command, "Pull down the barrier and find cover! Mark the enemies' locations and prepare for a follow up attack."

After the execution of this order, the dark sky of Akhenaton's territory was lit up by fire along with the sounds of explosions that rung all throughout the Walled City of Alexandria.





The sound of these explosions were enough to give one the illusion that thunderclouds had formed two meters away from them and that these explosions were thunder that clapped directly inside their heads.

The ground shook violently with every banging sound of every explosion...

The wind became dry with a turbid murky feel of tar and dust...

...and the smell of burnt blood and flesh added the sensation of a real battlefield in Alexandria, along with the cries of agony and suffering uttered by the targets of these exploding rounds...

Such... was the dark side of war. And although City Lord Billion could feel that they have won this invasion, there was still something else in between these lines that didn't taste good at all.


[Begin Operation.]

The marshal's voice sounded like an imperial decree on the Comms Channels.

Simultaneously, in the sky, 18 groups of the flying Cyclones split into three; one large part of them burst forth and went forward, the two on the left and right flanks shifted directions to the east and the west sides.

[You heard the Captain, boys... time to roll out.]

[We like to, sir!]

[This is Romero-Seven One, commencing dive...]

[This is Romeo-Nine Three diving...]

[This is Rome-Three Four diving...]

[This is Romero-Two...

[This is Romeo-Six...]


There were two types of assault formation used by the Cyclones:

(1) artillery suppression, codename: Romeo.

(2) bomber strike, codename: Juliet.


[This is Juliet-Alpha, we've reached the target.]

[Alright...!! Light 'em up! Light 'em up!!]

[These bunch o' fackas dared to coy the Cap'n so Ole Billy here a' gonna show a bit of respect and burn 'em up to their arses.]

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