Chapter 100: Awakening

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There will only be four chapters in this update to give you guys enough hunger for the explosive batch on our next update. Please enjoy this read and I hope you guys will keep on supporting our story.

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Chapter 100: Awakening

As soon as Graham held his legs, Siva's body began to spasm, tremble, and shake as if he was having an epilepsy attack.

But it wasn't an epilepsy attack and all the more it wasn't because he's being electrocuted or something either.

The sight of him wasn't something good to behold nor was it a sight to pity.

Rather... it was something to fear.

Because these four men knew just what the level of consequences their actions just now will affect this boy's life.


Rex's body shook and his mouth was emitting slightly obscured sounds of neither moaning nor panting, nor that of a muffled gargle...

At first the shaking was still a bit mild, but then it became moderately just enough to shake the bed.

After five seconds, the spasms of his muscles and the trembling of his body became so strong that even Graham, as big and as weighty as he is, were still finding it hard to fight the strength of the boy's legs.

"Shet! Is it supposed to be strong?"

"I'm almost at my limit!"

The twins were built smaller than Graham but still, they have stocky builds and their muscles and bones were a lot sturdier than normal, so them being lifted up like a pale full of water just like that was a horrifying sight for Doctor Martinez.

"Don't let him off your grasp or I promise I will smite you with my fists!"

Graham's warning was like a drill. Although the twins weren't afraid of him, it was still a different matter when he's been tasked as the boss of this small little group.

Besides, although they seem to work for AG in the surface, The Father is still someone who has a more frightening presence than him when they are compared in the same table.

The twins held Rex's arms and Graham held his legs all on his own.

And yet even with their combined weights, Rex was still able to gradually lift them up as if he was about to throw them.

"Martinez!" Graham shouted.

"I'm watching! But... but this... this is just plainly impossible... It doesn't make any sense! Nothing in his emotional chart is displaying even half before the limit! It's like... this whole thing is just a normal physical reflex and is not being consciously commanded by him!"

The twins were surprised and so is Graham.

They have been warned before by AG to not ever connect a nano-box to the internet but now, they just gave Rex an entire box of it and was still when he was online!

After a moment, Rex stopped moving and the strength vanished on his arms and legs while the three large men still didn't let go of his limbs.

Only after ten twenty seconds did they recover and stood up, watching as the liquid blue metal enter Rex's orifices, then vanished on his skin completely without a trace.

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