Chapter 102: Siva Seeks Chronos

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Chapter 102: Siva Seeks Chronos

Stumbling back, the Colossi obviously received that damage and yet Akhenaton wasn't finished.

While the Colossi was tumbling on his third step, Akhenaton swiftly twirled his spear to build swing momentum and upon the Colossi's fifth backward step, Akhenaton already held the end part of his spear and swung it sideward, to the head, without any kind of mercy.


The Colossi saw the merciless attack and used its corrupted and ugly left arm to block the swiping sweep of the spear's blade.


It stumbled sideward again but at least Colossi is safe as it tried to regain balance. But Akhenaton whirled clockwise, unleashing another horizontal slicing attack, not intending to give the Colossi time to get a breather.

The Colossi's body was bulkier and a lot bigger, Akhenaton capitalized on his higher agility and thus delivered one devastating attack after another.


Powerful after-winds screamed angrily as the golden spear's sharp blade teared through the air medium as if tearing space apart...

From the Colossi's right side came a full-bodied savage swing, mightier than the one it blocked on the left side.


That swing hit the Colossi square to the right arm!

BAM! ........BA~BAM!!


Two loud sounds rung followed by the cry of pain from the Colossi.

It was hard to believe that it was a fight against two giants... everything happened so fast yet it had only been a few seconds.

The second sound is of when the Colossi's right arm that held the large heavy sword fell off to the ground; while the first was when the blade hit its body and embedded itself diagonally half-way through the forest floor before the attack sent the Colossi flying off its feet on its left side.


A mighty angry cry of rage and agony rung in the air as the Colossi tumbled once, twice, before it stood on its feet and used its left arm to stop itself from skidding.

Its glaring red eyes snapped up as it looked up, its burning gaze focused at Akhenaton but instead of minding its lost right arm, it gave another loud roar and blocked a descending slash of the spear's end-blade with its left arm.


Another ear-deafening sound could be heard as the Colossi's feet were planted in place to where it stood.

The sound wave became visible air currents that formed a semi-sphere that spread wide at least 4km around their battlefield.

The sound of the impact was more metallic than it was flesh and blade. Like two metal bars a meter long and 10cm thick had collided with each other.

Although the Colossi had blocked it, the blade still embedded itself on his arm before stopping.

......but that's it.

With a furious outward swing of the corrupted left arm, Akhenaton was pushed back.

The Colossi roared and used its left arm to rush forward, abandoning defense and wanting to grab Akhenaton's face and crush its head with the small opening it made.

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