Chapter 91: Terra

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Author's Note: Please take your time reading this chapter because I worked hard for it. XD

Chapter 91: Terra

Terra's words felt like a death farewell, as well as a telling and a reminder, admonishment, and/or perhaps just the love of a parent to her child.

Whether it was by form or remotely just emotions, Siva never distinguished between the two and just purely followed his instincts and his will to feel this love as something to be real.

While the people in the cellar dungeon was in an utter shock by this point, Siva's voice trailed off a pain in his tone that never seem to match his identity as well as his said [divinity].

Siva sniffed and sobbed, he cried, and seeing this made Terra bent down to raise Siva's head from his chin and kissed him on the forehead.

"Mother... Mother... you died to protect me. And in the real world, you and dad are dead as well... Baron, is in a coma and trapped in here... a God Knight is trampling arrogantly in the streets where he might be hiding from the brutal battle... these conceited immortals are part of his ploys and now... just now... I felt old Janus vanish as well... WHY??!!! Why do you all have to leave me like this? Why must I be alone? Why is this happening only to me?"

Anyone who would hear these words would feel that Siva was being wronged here. And yet, with his powers, they felt that it was somewhat wrong.

Wrong because he's so powerful and that no one else in this space could come up with anything in Terroa that could had the same strength as him.

Perhaps not even a Lapis Lazuli could be compared to him given his current strength.

"Oh Child, you must endure. Everything that has a beginning must have an end as well. Everything has its purpose in your life. Your fate is in your hands. That's the reason for your existence as well as the task we have created for you to accomplish... but all the more, it is the purpose of life itself to test you and to make you strong and to prepare you for the challenges in your life that is yet to come."

Terra wiped his forehead, "Remember, when you wake up, you have to make that choice... once again... to either remain mortal... or satiate your thirst for their destruction and become alone in the end... but before you do make that choice, I hope you will remember what I felt before everything... before all of this... even began..."

Siva's eyes widened in surprise, realization, and the sheer bitterness of it.

Terra... had been alone back then.

Even during the heightened speed of the initial beginning phases, the years passed by like a slow moving snail... she watched and observed, never to be able to do anything but to endure as she saw Pegasus plant that tumor within.

She had her sentience but she had her job. She has her consciousness but she can't do anything but to see it all happen.

Even when the created beings and living souls and the [system of time] she was tasked to preserve for the Terran Universe were corrupted by Mefisto... she could only endure and watch because she was powerless to remove the bind to her consciousness herself.

Even until the point that the poor souls of those that had been corrupted managed to reach her with the [system authority] Pegasus gave Mefisto and threatened to slaughter her, the [love] and sadness she endured for countless years had prevented her from actually hurting a single soul, even to point of not retaliating even once.

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