Goodbye to david and liza

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A/n so thank you so much for 900 reads!! I'm so happy that I'm getting such good feedback on my book! I think I will be doing a different book about davids life before Liza with Lexie. So you'll see that soon! Love you guys

David POV
I got a text from Scotty saying that that him and the boys where throwing a party to say a goodbye to Liza and I.
(Text convo)
S- the party starts at 6
D- okay we will be there
S- okay see you then bye
D- bye
(End of convo)
I go into Liza and i's bedroom to see her just putting on a shirt she smiled when she saw me
D- your so beautiful
She leaned in and kissed me.
D- hey so Scotty invited us over tonight to say goodbye to us because we are moving
L- okay what time are we going over
D- 6ish
L- okay I'm going to go to target to get some stuff for our long drive tomorrow
D- alright babe see you soon

Liza POV
I'm freaking out I think I'm pregnant. But I don't know what to do. David is still hurting over the death of his mom and he's also stressed out because we are moving. I go to target and buy 6 pregnancy tests then I text gabbie and tell her I'm coming over.
Time lapse to gabbies
We where waiting for the results when every single test turned positive. I sat down on the bathroom floor
G- well at least your married now
L- yeah but what if David doesn't want to have kids yet he's really stressed out and sad right now
G- I'm sure he'll want it he already told you he wants everything with you
L- I know but this soon? It's what day 2 of marriage?
G- you'll be fine
L- help me tell him we will think of something cute on the way over.
G- what are you wearing tonight?
L- my green shirt black jeans and white slip on shoes why? (#LASTMIRRORPICOUTFIT)
G- I don't know what to wear but that's cute
L- I'm going to go home I'll see you later
G- okay
How am I going to tell David this? I walk home and he's sitting on the couch on his phone
D- yay your home
L- why yay
He walks over to me and whispers
D- because I'm horny
L- your always horny
D- that's because of you
He picks me up

 G- what are you wearing tonight? L- my green shirt black jeans and white slip on shoes why? (#LASTMIRRORPICOUTFIT)G- I don't know what to wear but that's cute L- I'm going to go home I'll see you later G- okay How am I going to tell David this? I...

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Like that and kisses me.
D- bedroom?
L- fine
He smiles at me and kisses me all the way to the bedroom.
We where laying in bed naked cuddling each other when David grabbed the phone and looked at the time
D- shit it's 5:55
L- oh
D- we are suppose to be there by now
L- okay so get ready and we will go

David POV
I love spending every moment I can with my beautiful wife. She's just so perfect. But because I was spending time with her we where running late to Scott's party.
Liza came out of the bathroom and she looked really hot.
D- I'm so glad your my wife
I smiled at her and she kissed me on the cheek.
I on my gothic mocha hoodie and Liza came and gave me a big hug
D- what was that for
L- being cute
D- I love you
L- also to tell you that you have I hickey on your neck
D- oh shit
We walk in to scottys house and everyone looked at us
S- finally you guys
D- sorry we where uhh sleeping
S- says the hickey on your neck

Time lapse
I gave all the guys a hug and we said our goodbyes it's bitter sweet because I get to be closer to my family but I'm leaving behind my brothers. But I do have Liza. And I can't wait to tell her when she moves. I really want to have a baby with her and start our own family. I don't know if she wants a baby right now but I really do.

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