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David POV
I felt bad so I followed her
D- you don't have to leave
L- your annoying me
D- then I'll sleep on the couch
L- fine
She slammed the front door and stomped up the stairs
D- fuck
I went upstairs and went into our bedroom
L- what David
D- you don't have to pull this just because your not getting your way
L- but I do because you ALWAYS get your way
D- I don't always get my way
L- yes David you do and your so used to it that your blinded by it
D- that's not true your the one that's being unreasonable
L- I'm done with this your stressing me out it's not good for the baby
I kicked the door and went downstairs and onto the couch I pulled out my phone and texted my boss
I'm In. Then I fell asleep
Liza POV
I was still pissed off in the morning
Tess- mommy am I going to papas house
L- yes baby you and your bother
Tess- I'll go get dressed
I smile at her and David gets up and rubbed his eyes
D- what time is it
I ignored him and continued to make breakfast
D- babe I thought I should let you know that I took the position
L- we didn't even talk more about it
D- I didn't think that it was that big of a deal you told me to take it
L- do I get my dog then
D- why would you get your dog
I roll my eyes and go back to doing what I was going
Tess- hey daddy
D- hey baby girl how are you
Tess- I'm going to papas
D- oh yes I'm suppose to drive you and Mitchell
Tess- I got dressed all by myself
D- did you
Tess- yes I love you daddy
She hugged my legs
D- I love you too Tess
After Mitchell got dressed David left to drive them
I phoned gabbie
L- k bitch listen up I need to rant
G- hello to you too
L- David is being a dick
G- what did he do
L- k so
I hung up the phone feeling better then David walked in the door
D- babe can we actually talk about this
L- don't you have to work
D- I'll come home on my lunch okay
L- don't even bother it's never going to happen I'll just forget about it
I walked away from him and he went upstairs to get changed. He came towards me
D- I'll be home at 12 okay
He leaned in to kiss me but I walked away

At 12 he came home like he promised
D- babe can we talk about this please
L- fine
D- I'm not trying to be selfish it's just this house means a lot to me
L- alright and we can't move because of that
D- I mean I bought it for my mom and my siblings then she died
L- and this has too do with a dog
D- I'm allergic to dogs
L- you should be alright you where around Kevin's dog yesterday no problem
D- babe
L- I just don't think it's fair that I do everything for you and get nothing in return
D- k so we do the house but no dog
L- I want both
D- the dog or the house
L- I want both
D- fine
L- so I get my house and my dog
D- yes but I get my video game room
I jumped into his arms and kissed his cheek
D- I love you baby
L- I love you too

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