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When I joined wattpad, my intention was to share some biblical fiction I was rewriting and updating. Since then, I have begun writing a contemporary book about a boy whose father is in prison. I was the education director at a prison for 10 years. While there I learned a great deal about incarcerated men and their families. I hope my experiences will lend reality to my fictional account. Some day I may convince one or more of the men I got to know to allow me to share their stories of redemption behind bars. Some are quite inspiring. Until then, enjoy my fictional attempt.

I started writing biblical fiction to answer questions the Bible left unanswered. In the case of Dinah, I wondered how she reacted to the slaughter of the Shechemites and what happened to her. In the case of Baara, I wondered why an Israeli captive would care enough to send her captor to a prophet for healing. I have also written a novel about Delilah which answers the question how could Samson be so stupid.

When I lost my earring for the fifth time, the idea for the Earring was born. The journal the daughter reads is partially autobiography with a healthy dose of fiction thrown in when my life did not parallel that of the woman in the novel.

Over the years, I have shared my novels with friends. Dinah was also serialized in the Daily News of Bogalusa where I was a reporter for four years.

A year ago I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. After undergoing chemotherapy, I have been cancer free for seven months. When my husband found Wattpad, I decided to use it as a way to share my writing with a wider audience. While God allows, I will continue to write and continue to share.

May God bless those who read these novels which tell of his loving kindness.

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