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Fac o promovare pentru cartea mea in engleza,daca va intereseaza.
Aceasta va aparea dupa examene,cand probabil o sa am cateva capitole scrise deja.Nu ma astept sa fie o carte lunga,insa va avea capitole lungi,care sper ca va vor captiva.

Aici sunt personajele principale:
Byun Sara-Byun Baekhyun:Gemeni
Kim Minseok
Park Chanyeol.

Da,este o carte cu ChanBaek,insa povestea se va intampla in jurul Sarei si a lui Xiumin.

Cartea se va numii "Blue Eyes" si va fi o carte cu vampiri.

Aici e proologul in caz ca vreti sa.l cititi.

Carte:Blue eyes

"I was always a kind vampire,never disliked wolfs nor humans,unlike my twin brother,Baekhyun,who taught they were inferior to us, pure bloods. Never did I commanded for someone to be killed nor killed someone with my bare hands.
Never did I left my parents in agony, nor my brother.
Never did I saw the sun, unlike my brother.
Never did I left the castle, unlike my brother who was all the time on his horse, outside the walls.
Never did I met humans or wolfs, for which it it forbidden to me.
But most important,never did I imagined,the first time I will demand for someone to be killed, that person would be my lover, never did I imagined I would leave my parents to fight for our kingdom, never did I imagined I will feel the sun, and it wouldn't burn me, never did I imagined I would leave the castel for Romania, for which, the dark time has come, and wolfs and humas started war.

Romania, where I met him, the one with blue eyes. The one that captured me with his icing stare. The one that controls the ice. The colder one. My mate



Sper sa o asteptati si sa nu uitati de ea.

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