Chapter 9

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Everyone stood there speechless at what Luke just said.

"Wait her brother? You're her brother?" Elijah said.

"Yes her brother" Luke said.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Algee said.

Luke sighed "because i just found out a week ago. Sheteah doesn't even know."

"What made you go see if she was your sister" Woody said.

"Well while she was going through it with Keith she came to talk to me because everyone else was busy and look at her and look at me we look alike. So when she left i took a cotton swab and got her dna off the glass she was drinking out of. I took it in to see if we were related and it's true. She's my little sister." Luke said.

"Damn man. Well go ahead and get in there so you can give her some blood" Woody said.

"Yes come on Mr.James she doesn't need a lot of blood just a pint." The doctor said.

After Luke gave blood Woody and the guys went to the room to see Sheteah. After a couple of hours the guys left except Woody and Luke.

"Beautiful so Luke has to tell you something" Woody said as he looked at Sheteah

Sheteah looked over at Luke and said "what is it Luke"

"Sheteah so i took a test because I wanted to figure out if we were related. And Sheteah i found out that you are my little sister" luke said as he held my hand.

"Are you serious!!" Sheteah said happily.

"Yes" luke said as a smile grew on his face.
A month later Luke had a concert which all of us went to. Which this was also going to be the night that Sheteah and Woody finally told everyone the gender and name of their child.

After Luke performed trouble Sheteah and Woody got on stage.

"Hello everyone i'm not usually the one who would announce things like this to a big crowd but here i go so i know everyone has been waiting to know the gender of our baby." Sheteah said as she looked at Woody.

"The gender of out baby is a girl! We are having a girl" Woody said.

As everyone clapped Sheteah looked into the crowd and saw Keith walk in.

Sheteah took a deep breath and said "And our daughter's name will be Nylah"

Everyone stood up and started clapping and then everyone quickly started saying aww.

As Sheteah turned around she saw Woody on one knee holding a diamond ring as Luke started singing I want you.

"Sheteah i love you and i've loved you since i laid eyes on you and i know i did a very messed up thing to you but i apologized and you forgave me and now you're carrying our daughter and it would only make me even more happier if you said yes. So Sheteah will you marry me?" Woody said as he looked up at Sheteah.

Sheteah cried as she said "yes i will marry you"

Woody then stood up and kissed her as luke continued to sing but that perfect moment was quickly ruined when someone yell out "so you gone marry this chump!"

Everyone got quite. "Who said that?" Luke said.

Keith then stood up and walked onto the stage "i said that. So you gone marry this chump you had everything with me"

"He isn't a chump if anyone is the chump then it would be you! A cheating bastard. This man is way more then a man then you will ever be! This man gives me love and yes he did that thing but he apologized for it. He was going through it at the time. But this man is my world! And at least he didn't cheat on me with my bestfriend!" Sheteah said.

"Oh he's way more a man then i will ever be but yet who had your heart first? Who stood by you when you had that miscarriage?" Keith said as he stepped closer to Sheteah.

Sheteah reached her hand out and slapped Keith.

"Keith i think it's time for you to leave because you aren't going to disrespect my sister" Luke said as he stepped up to Keith.

Keith then pushed Luke down and said "I don't give a fuck about you nor your hoeing ass sister"

Luke quickly got up and jumped on Keith as they begin fighting on stage Elijah and Algee pulled Luke off of Keith.

Woody then stepped up to Keith.

"Now look I don't know what the fuck your problem is coming in her ruining her special moment because you're mad because i got your girl now" woody said.

Keith then spit in Woody's face and punched him in his face. As Woody was on the ground Sheteah ran over to him.

"You're a fucking asshole" Sheteah said.

As soon as those words left Sheteah's mouth Keith pulled out a gun and fired it. 7 shots rang off and then a loud scream. It was like everything happened in slow motion.

(No offense to Keith. I love all the guys equally but i had to have some drama in this)

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