Chapter 11

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~Sheteah POV~
It's been 3 months since Nylah was born and it's been 3 months since the last time anyone has heard of Keith. The police got him the day after the concert incident. All i can say is i'm happy that I don't have to watch my back anymore.
That morning I was in Nylah's nursery(room) sitting in the rocking chair feeding her when Woody walked in.

"Good morning beautiful" he said as walled over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Good morning baby. How you feel this morning?" I said laying Nylah down in her crib.

"I'm doing better. The wound is healing little day by day" he said with his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Well baby you know i am going back to work today. So will you be okay watching Nylah by yourself?" I said.

"Yes beautiful don't worry go ahead and get dressed for work" He said as he let go of my waist.

I then went into our room and got dressed for work. Before leaving i kissed Woody and Nylah goodbye then i was off to work.

After work around 9pm I was on my way home when I noticed a car following me. I couldn't see who was in the car because it had tinted windows.

I was extremely scared so i called Woody and told him that someone was following me. He asked me to pull over at the store and go inside and that he would meet me there.

I pulled over and went into the store and the person who was following me stayed in the car. A couple of minutes later Woody pulled up and i walked outside.

As soon as i got outside and Woody stepped out of his car the person who followed me finally got out his car and to my surprise it was Keith.

"Aren't you supposed to be in jail" Woody said as he stood in front of me.

"I got out early but move man this ain't got nothing to do with you i want her." Keith said pointing at me.

"Nah man this has everything to do with me. You not gone keep threatening my girl. Why can't you just let her be happy?" Woody said.

"Man just shut the fuck up" Keith said.

I then moved from behind Woody and said "don't worry baby i got this"

"No go wait in the car" Woody said looking at me.

"NO I GOT THIS!" I shouted.

Woody then backed away and I stepped closer to Keith.

"Keith i'm not fucking scared of you anymore okay. You might think you all big and tough but you ain't nothing but a little bitch like who sits there and trying to kill a pregnant woman? Only a little pussy would. Now i don't if you mad at the fact that I'm actually happy with woody or whatever your problem is but this here is over. I went a filed for a restraining order on you yesterday. So whenever you was to get out and came for me all i had to do was call the cops now you can make this easy and just leave me and my family alone or you can make this hard and have to go back to jail you choose." I said looking at him.

"This ain't over i will get mine one day" he said as he got in his car and left.

"Baby you good?" Woody asked.

"Yes baby i'm good now lets get home to Nylah" I said as i kissed him.

We both got into out cars and went home.

Once we got home Luke and Algee were in the house and Nylah was fast asleep in her uncle luke's arms.

"You okay Teah" Algee asked very concerned.

"Yes i am fine the person who was following me was Keith" i said as i sat on the couch.

"But I thought he wasn't supposed to get out until 5 years from now." Luke said.

"Supposedly he got out early but i got a restraining order on him so he can't come anywhere near me nor my family" i said.
{2 years later}
After Nylah's 2nd birthday Woody and I decided it would be a good idea to move to Miami Florida away from the horrible past that we've dealt with dealing with Keith.

A few days after we moved to Florida Woody had to fly out to Virginia to film a skit with his boys Cornell and Lucky. So I dropped Nylah off with her Grandmother and I pretty much just stayed in the house and relaxed.

~Keith's POV~
Funny how she thought that I wouldn't find out that she moved to Florida, Funny thing also is that she has a tracking thing on her phone and i still have her number.

That night i went to her house and picked the locks of her home and once i got in i slowly and quietly closed the front door.

~Sheteah's POV~
I woke up out of my sleep when i heard noises downstairs.

I slowly walked down the stairs and halfway down the stairs i saw Keith standing at the bottom of my stairs.

"What are you doing here!? I got a restraining order on you. I will call the police" i said.

"Didn't you read the papers that order is only applied in Cali baby we in Florida now" he said as he started walking towards me.

I grabbed the gun out my back pocket and pointed it at him "don't you dare come any closer."

"What you gone do with that?" He said as he got closer.

I pulled the trigger of the pistol and nothing happened the gun wasn't loaded.

Keith Grabbed my leg and pulled me down the stairs which busted my head leaving a trail on blood down the stairs. Once he got me to the bottom he dragged me out side and threw me in his car. I tried to fight but as soon as he got me in the car he reached for his gun and slapped me with it which knocked me out cold.

{The next day}

~Woody's POV~
I was going to stay in Virginia another day but something told me that something was wrong so i caught the first flight home.

Once i got home i noticed that the front door was wide open.

Once i got to the door way i looked down and saw a trail of blood. I called out for Sheteah I searched the whole house for her but no sign of her. I quickly dropped to my knees and begin to call the guys and the police.

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