Chapter 12

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~Sheteah's POV~
I woke up tied to a chair in a basement I looked around and saw Keith holding a knife.

"What is your fucking problem" i said.

"Shut up" Keith said walking towards me.

"No you insist on hurting me, trying to kill me, for what Keith? Our love ran dry Keith." I said looking at him.

"Man didn't i say shut up! Now you are going to do what i say and give me what i want" Keith quickly grabbed my hair.

"What do you want?" I tried to move my head.

"I want you to leave Woody and get back with me or i will have no mercy for you and just kill you and I promise you will have a very painful and slow death" Keith said as he sniffed my hair.

"No i will not leave him. I have a child with him Keith man! I love him i know you don't care but you will hear me out! Do you really wanna live knowing that you killed the mother of a child. And are you really okay risking losing your boys. Yes you went off the deep end but they your boys for life man. And killing a mother Keith the mother of your boy's child! Keith i know you are mad that i left you and got with Woody but you don't understand he makes me happy he makes sure i am alright he makes sure that i am good before he does anything Keith. So if this didn't make you have a change of heart then just kill me because i am not leaving Woody" I said with confidence.

A couple of seconds passed then i felt him let go of my hair and he untied me.

But as soon as he untied me The police knocked down the door and forcefully put handcuffs on him and rushed him out of the basement and out of the house.

"Baby are you okay!?" Woody said very concerned as he quickly pulled me in for a hug.

"Yes honey i am fine" i said as I buried my face in his neck.
A week later while Woody was at work Luke came over to talk to me.

After i laid Nylah down for her nap Luke and I sat down at the table and talked.

"Hey so what did you need to talk to me about?" I said.

"Well i know we haven't really been able to actually talk about the whole me being your brother thing. Well when you were 2 years of age mom and dad really weren't in the right stage of mind and wanted to give us up. But me being 7 i told them that i would take care of us, I didn't wanna lose my little sister but they still gave us up for adoption and one day you were adopted I couldn't do anything to stop it i begged and begged for them to take me with you and for them not to separate us but they said that they only wanted a girl. I lost you and the day i first saw you with Keith i knew you were my sister but I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want you to get mad. And that night i took a swab of your DNA because i just really wanted to make sure that it was you for sure."  Luke said as he held my hand.

"Well i am so glad that you told me. I can say that i have a best brother ever. But why didn't you tract me down" i said.

"Because you moved around so much city to city and when you landed where we were filming and got with Keith it was the perfect thing because i could watch you" Luke said as he stood up and hugged me.

"Thank you" i said as i looked up at him.

"For what?" He said not letting go of me.

"For trying to tract me down and for protecting me from Keith" i said as i kissed his cheek.

{ I Apologize for the shortness and the boring chapter. }

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