You're a dad. {a Justin Bieber Parent story} -Chapter 2 (Justin)

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This is a littleeeeee bit longer. 

I think. But still, I'd loveee to hear what you thought about it! It means the world to me. And I have ONEEEE question.

Do you think that this is a good title for my upcoming story? I might change it but I still wanted to know what you thought: Mirrors, Lights & Camera flashes. (The diary of Lily Nicole Bieber)

Thanks Stunners ! x



“Thank you! God bless!” I yell out to my fans, before throwing the peace sign and heading off stage. I had to walk for a while, but I eventually made it to the room backstage where I normally am by now. I smiled and flop down on the couch, just about to close my eyes when I hear Scooter call for me. I groaned and got up, walking slow yet zombie-like over to where he was. I crossed my arms and stood in front of Scooter, waiting for him to speak.

“Savannah called earlier. She told me to tell you to call her back once you were done your concert.” He said and I nodded my head, smiling a little at the mention of Savannah. She’s my girlfriend and we’ve been together since we were 14. She’s amazing, perfect, beautiful…I could go on and on, to be honest. I picked up my phone and dialled her number.

“I’m just gonna step out into the hallway.” I said and stepped outside, waiting for Savannah to pick up.

I smiled when I heard her voice. “Hey Justin.” She said on the other end of the line and my smile got bigger. I truly do love this girl.

“Hey shawty. Scooter said that you called me before. What was that about?” I asked, crossing my arms but still kept the phone to my ear. Savannah sighed and I got worried. Is she breaking up with me? Please don’t let it be that…please don’t.

“Well Justin, I’m pregnant. And it’s yours.” She said and I was shocked. Is this real?

“So I’m gonna be…”

“Yes. You’re gonna be a dad, Justin.” Savannah said and I smiled…really big. This is probably the greatest thing I’ve ever heard. I danced around a little and Sav laughed over the phone. She knew I was dancing, and she was relieved that I’m not freaking out or yelling at her. Honestly, I couldn’t be any happier.

I laughed. “Savannah. This, this is great! I can’t believe it. When did you find out?” I asked her, still smiling a lot. I heard Savannah laugh and her sister walk in.

“I found out a couple hours ago. But I’m still going to go to the doctor to make sure it’s true. Do you still want me to come on your tour?”

“Of course I still want you on the tour! Listen, I’ll tell my mom and then tomorrow while I’m doing the sound-check, she can take you to the doctor. How’s that?” I asked, leaning against the wall behind me. Sav laughed a little, before she responded, I heard Kenzie, her sister, yell something.

“WATCH IT JUSTIN. IF YOU DON’T SUPPORT MY SISTER…I WILL BREAK YOUR FACE AND GET RYAN TO HELP ME.” Savannah and I burst out laughing for probably…oh I don’t know, ten or fifteen minutes. Haha, Savannah is amazing.

“Alright. Kenzie, go away,” Savannah said, and I heard Kenzie groan and walk away, then Savannah talked to me again, “And you. Baby, I’ll let you get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at the hotel. Love you!”

“I love you too. Bye Sav.” We hung up at the same time and I smiled at her name, still up on my phone.

@justinbieber: @savannaholsen I love you.

You're a dad. (a Justin Bieber Parent story)Where stories live. Discover now