Chapter 26

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Your POV:

The whole walk was silent, both of us just enjoying each others company. We would sometimes maybe share small talk. Usually it only consisted of a few words like "what's your favorite color?" And so on.

We arrived at the station and walked inside. Right when we got inside, the same man from before waved us over to follow him. Luciel and I were brought into a white room, not much different from the room before.

The same man as last time came in.

"Hi. I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself last times but I'm Dr. Spence." He smiles.

"Hello." I wave.

Luciel nods and Dr. Spence pulls out the same tablet.

We look and Lilith is in a corner shaking. She gets up and grabs a metal pole from the ground and takes it and slams it into the door.

"Let me out!!!" She screams.

She starts crying and huddles back into her corner.

I feel tears welling in my eyes, but blink then back. Luciel takes notice of this and grabs my hand under the table, giving it a light squeeze.

"We got the bomb diffused." I say.

"Really. Hmm....I am afraid I have some bad news for you. See....we have decided that it would be best to end this case." He says.

I take a few seconds to register what he just said. I stand up and shout at him, "No!! You and you're goddamn police force will get her out of that hell hole!!"

Luciel grabs my arm and pulls me down. "Yeah. You guys can't just give up!!! We are so close to getting her but you guys just drop it?" He says.

Dr Spence shrugs and says, "Sorry guys. We don't have enough officers to help you. There was recently a kidnapping near by and many police officers went on a search for her."

"Whatever." Luciel says.

"Yeah. We will find her ourselves." I add.

Dr Spence's eyes widen and says, "No!! That place is not allowed to be touched by anyone."

I get up from my chair and grab Luciel's arm. I storm out of that office and out of the goddamn building. How could they just give up when we were so fucking close?!?!

"Y/N....slow down." Luciel says, calm.

"I'm sorry...I just....they just gave up?..." I say, tears running down my cheeks.

"We will get her out of there." He says. "Pinky promise." He smiles and holds out his pinky, linking it with mine.

I smile and hug him, burying my face in his chest. "Thank you, Luciel."

He hugs me back and rests his head on my head.

We stand like that for a few minutes and go back to my house.

"I have an idea." Luciel blurts out on the way home.

"Hmm?" I ask him. I was curious.

"How about we spend the rest of the day here, and try to make sure we are fully rested up. And tomorrow morning we will get up and go to find Lilith." He says.

"We don't even know where she is at." I say, sighing and looking down.

"But I know two hackers who can find out." He says.

This makes me brighten up and I look up at him. I smile brightly.

"Let's do it." I say. I am determined to get her home safely. Even if it is the last thing I do. If I die, I promise myself that she will make it home safe.

We get back to my house and walk inside. I cook us lunch and we eat.

Luciel gets Lilith's location and we decide to play LOLOL for the rest of the day. Once the sun sets, we get our bags packed and get our supplies.

We both fall asleep together in my bed, and I still have the promise in my heart.

Hacker Love (707 x Reader) [COMPLETED] {OLD}Where stories live. Discover now