Chapter 2

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Jordan's POV:

Me and Jo were walking back from McDonalds with three bags full of food. Oops. I can tell that I'm going to get fat now that she's moved in, all we do is eat! But then we do have to walk up three flights of stairs to get to our flat, so that would pretty much be our exercise.

I really wanted to see these guys that Jo had told me about. We had just reached the car park to our flat. We live in this nice little area in London. There's trees, parks and ponds but then it's just a five minute walk and you're in the buzz of the city. I've lived here for three years now, Jo lived with her flat mate Eric just around the corner, but she basically lived here anyway. Our little area is called Chapman Square. I love it here.

We were singing "my milkshake brings all the boys to yard" while taking the climb up to our flat.

"You know what jo."


"I really want a cat, a cute little fluffy one, or a really ugly one that will make us look pretty!"

"Oh god, you're so mean."

We had reached the last flight of stairs.

"So you mean you want a pussaaaaay?"

We both burst out laughing , you know cause we are so immature.

"Yes I do want a pussaaaaay!"

Well that just made us laugh even more. See what we do, is one of us will say something funny, then we'll start laughing, but then we will laugh at each other laughing, then we get to the point that one of will need a pee from laughing too much.

And this basically just happened right now.

We made it to our floor and we were met by a group of very nice lads. There was four altogether. A tall, curly haired one, who had a very nice body. A tall, blonde with flicky hair, and seemed to have very nice tats. I do like a man with tattoos. Then there was a slightly smaller one with light brownish-blonde hair, again with a very nice body. And then there was a distinctively smaller one with brown hair, with blonde highlights through it.

"Hi, you must be the guys moving into flat 3b?" I asked, kind of already knowing the answer but you know making awkward convo, is what I do best.

The one with the tattoos spoke first, he had a very cute smile.

"Yeah, we've just moved in today actually. We're just planning what stuff to bring upstairs actually."

"Aw cool, well we live in 3a, and I'm Jordan and this is my little lesbian friend Jo." She's not actually lesbian but it's really funny introducing her as that. She hates it's too funny.

"I'm not actually a lesbian, but this twat thinks it's funny, hi I'm Jo." Oops, she looks super pissed off. For being so small she can still look very scary.

The one with the tattoos replied, "Haha, I'm Ryan, nice to meet you's both."

Then the smallest one said, "Hey, I'm Adam,"

Then the one with the very nice body and brown-blonde hair said," Hey I'm Joel."

And finally the tall curly one said, "Hiya, I'm Andy, nice to meet you's."

Oh. My. God. He is from Liverpool. Holy shizznicks. That voice has just made him a million times more attractive. Calm down. Seriously, ovaries this is not the time to start thinking about exploding.

"Nice to meet you guys, if you's need anything just give us a shout, but we've just got back from McDonalds and haven't eaten anything in last the hour so we're going to be rude and go eat. But yeah if you's need anything just give us a shout." Jo explained, I'm guessing she saw that I was unable to speak.

They all laughed and said thanks. Then we said our good byes.

Once our door was shut, we both just looked at each other and smiled.


We had filled up with food, well for at least for an hour. We had decided to paint Jo's room and I'd built up her new furniture. She went and bought her paint while I laid an old dust sheet on our landing between the two flats for building up her furniture.

I had our music playing and had our door open so I could listen to it coming from the flat. I was currently building a desk for her room, when I heard a door open. I looked up and it was Joel, I think.

"Hey" I said, playing it safe and not saying his name incase I got it wrong.

"Hey, wait is it Jordan? Or Jo?"

"It's Jordan, see you played it dangerously there, I was going to try and remember your name, but I played it safe instead."

He smiled. Oh god that smile.

" Yeah I do like to live life on the edge. It's Joel."

"I would have gotten it right as well! Typical. Just remember us as Jo has the short name and she's the short one. And I have the longer name and I'm the tall one."

"Haha, I will do. So what you doing?" He asked as he came over and sat down.

"I'm building the little lesbians furniture."

"Has she just moved in?"

"Well she lived round the corner with her pig of a roommate Eric, but she basically lived here anyway so she decided today that she was moving in properly."

"May I ask, but why do you call her a lesbian?"

"I really don't know, basically in high school we had a bunch of friends who were all sexually confused and a lot of them tried to get it on with her. And we were at a concert, which was full of lesbians and I got felt up. So we kinda took the mick when we were younger and it's just stuck, except its mostly me who calls her it."

"Oh haha, you two seem really funny."

"Well what can we say, we've never really grown up so it's always fun around us both."

"So do you need help with that desk?"

"Yeah I mean if you want."

"Yeah, it will allow me to get to know our neighbours better."

"Well I will warn you first, me and jo could end up talking about anything."

"I'll look forward to it."

Oh my, he is just wow. But I wanna meet his scouse friend.

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