Chapter 15

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Andy's POV: All the drama between Carly and Jordan had been solved. Carly had eventually told the magazine editor that she lied and she has also been put to Polydor's second office in Newcastle till things settle down. But to be honest, things are a lot better since she was transferred. But the best bit is that today we are flying out to L.A. to record our debut album. We're currently sitting in Heathrow airport waiting to go on the plane. Just now we're all on our phones on Twitter, we except the girls. They are currently sitting listening to Disney songs and singing and acting them out. Which is hilarious.

"They are like kids on crack, I mean for being half seven in the morning and they've been up for four hours, how do they have so much energy?" Adam said whilst watching them across the room. Luckily theren wasn't that many people here yet. 

"I know, the sad thing is that they haven't even drank their energy juice yet." I replied whilst laughing. 

"Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase!" Oh god, it's getting louder. Finally our plane had been called out. We stood up and lined at the desk ready to show our tickets again. Jordan and Jo skipped over to us smiling. We eventually got onto the plane, as we were flying first class which was a first for most of us, the seats were in pairs of two. Jordan and Jo sat in the middle isle and me and Joel sat together which meant Ryan and Adam sat beside each other. Whilst we got comfy getting ready for take off all we could hear was them two laughing. 

"Do they ever lose any of their energy?" Joel asked. 

"Somehow I din't think so, we've got about nine hours of this. Hopefully they will fall asleep. Well, Jordan will definitely fall asleep."

"I know, but they're great. Like they always make sure you have fun, just being around them lightens up your day." 

"Yeah, so eh, how's things between you and Jo?" 

Joel sighed and smiled at the same time. "Yeah, it seems to be going amazing. I mean, we get along so great, she's funny, caring, sarcastic, quirky, beautiful and honestly the best girl that I've ever met. I think she's the one and I know it's early days but honestly I really do." 

"Mate, that's great. I feel the same about Jordan, it's like we fit together perfectly and I don't know what I'd do without her." 

Just as we finished our conversation the pilot started speaking and the engines roared up. The plane started moving and we were off. I looked over to the girls and already they were watching a movie on Jordan's iPad. I think they're watching The Notebook. Great, they'll be crying at the end of it. I decided that I could use some sleep, so I put my headphones in and slowly drifted off to sleep. 

**Nine hours later** 

(Still Andy's POV) 

We're just about to land and all of us lads were up but the girls were fast asleep. I looked over and noticed that they had their belts on meaning they would be safe to land. Thye plane landed and still they were asleep. We all walked over and Joel shook Jo and she was up. But Jordan was alot harder to wake up, she always is. It took us to the point of actually holding her nose and she woke up. As always it took her a while to properly wake up, meaning that she was walking around LAX looking like a zombie. We got into a taxi which took us to our hotel. It was three in the afternoon LA time, so we have tonight to chill as tomorrow is when we start recording. We're spending two weeks out here, so after tomorrow's recording session we're moving into our rented apartment. Jordan and I are sharing room, Jo and Joel are sharing and again so is Adam and Ryan. We all got signed in and shown to our rooms. I walked in after Jordan. 

"It's so big and oh look at that bed. It looks so comfy." She said as she jumped onto the bed. I walked over to the window taking in the breathtaking view. 

"Oi you, come join me." I laughed as I walked over to her. I lay down beside her and she sat on top of me, looking into my eyes, smiling. I lifted my hand and brushed back her hair behind her ear. 

"What are you smiling at?" 

"Oh nothing, well except the fact that I'm staring at the most amazing man in the world, well I mean apart from Channing Tatum." 

"Well, I'm looking at the most beautiful woman in the world who is he luckiest."

"Mmm, and why is that then?"

"Because she has me as her boyfriend." I replied cheekily. 

"Oh really?" She asked before kissing me. As the kiss deepened I turned her over so I was on top. I pulled away, just enough so I was still close to her. 

"Really." I said before kissing her again. 

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