Chapter 4

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The next day

Andy's POV:

I was lying in bed thinking about last night. It was great, I mean Jo and Jordan are hilarious! But there's something special about Jordan, I defiantly need to get to know her better. Me and Joel finally managed to wake Ryan and Adam up and bring them back to the flat. Hopefully I'd see Jordan today.

I eventually got up and walked through to the kitchen where I was met by the others.

Ryan: Yo

Me: hey, what you's up to?

Joel: Just thinking about going food shopping, cause we have like no food

Me: Okay, I'll go get dressed then we can go

Adam: Yeah, I'm away to go get dressed

I went and shoved some clothes on, and I was ready.

We were just making our way out of the flat when we heard Jordan and Jo laughing.

Me: Hey, how are you's?

Jordan: Hey, yeah we're good, what'bout you guys?

Ryan: Yeah we're good, we've all recovered from last night

Jo: I haven't, my head is banging

Me: Mines isn't that bad actually, what you's up to?

Jo: We're away to go get some shopping

Joel: Same

And we all carried with our separate conversations on the way down to the cars.

Jordan: Well we'll see you's later!

Jo: Yep, asta la vista!

We all waved to them and they were gone.

Jordan's POV:

Finally, we had food in the cupboards. Jo was out meeting some friends but I really couldn't be bothered so I stayed in and caught up with some work. Working at Polydor was the best job ever, I had been working my way up to managing, and just last week I got the news that I'd be managing a newly signed band. I was ecstatic! My dream job had finally arrived. I was meeting them on Monday and starting plans. Jo was going to be working with me too, which is amazing. Our boss want this new band to be the next big thing, working their way up, gaining the love and respect from fans. Not just coming off of some show hopefully winning a record deal. My boss told me that the band had quite a few fans already, so he thought that it would be great for them if we put up footage online about the growth of the band. So that's Jo's job, capture the growth of the band. We don't know anything about them except that there's four guys in a band. So it should be exciting.

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