Chapter 21

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Jordan's POV: Finally the late night train came into the station, we were getting on that one to Arbroath. My home. We got on and took our seats, me sitting next to Andy, snuggling in to him. He put his arm around me as I got comfy. I was thinking back to today, when those girls wanted to talk to me and Jo. We've not announced anything to say that me and Andy are together, it's always just been as my job. As we were walking away from the girls one of them said 'I can't believe we met their girlfriends, and how nice they are.' I really don't understand. So far it was just me and Andy that were awake, everybody else had fallen asleep.



"You know those girls today."


"Did they say anything about like me and Jo?"

"They just asked where you's were, why?"

"Oh, it was just that when we were walking away I heard one of them saying how they couldn't believe that they'd met their, meaning you guys, girlfriends."

"Really? Well how could they have found out?"

"I dunno, cause we haven't even said anything and I just don't get it. But it's not a bad thing I suppose, you know letting everybody know."

"Yeah, I mean if that's what you want."

"No need to sound so enthusiastic Brown."

"Hey, I couldn't care when we made it public, all I want is you to feel okay with it. I don't want to pressure you into anything, so it's up to you." he said this while cuddling me closer.

"Yeah oh alright. I don't want to put up like a fake picture or anything. I'll let you do it, just whenever okay?"


Before I could say anything he kissed me. I stopped before things got too heated and fell asleep cuddling into him.


"Jordan...Jordan, wake up." Suddenly the train stopped and I was still trying to wake up.

"Mhmm, yeah I'm up." I groaned at the bright lights.

"Oh yeah definitely awake you are."

"Shut up."

I'm not very good a waking up, my eyes will be open but I'm still half asleep. It feels so strange walking out onto the old platform that I used to go on practically every week. The same old air rushing into my face, sounds silly. But there's always a distinct smell of your home. Seeing as it was one in the morning there's no one really going about.

"Right this way guys." Jo took the lead and we all followed to her house. Her two sisters were now moved out so there's plenty of space at her house, her mum and dad said we could stay there for the two nights. It's still strange seeing all those sights that were my childhood and being away for four years now, it's all so weird. The car wash beside the main road that me and Jo would cross as we walked to her house. The fish shop that she'd shout in the door because it didn't sell good fish compared to her dad's shop. And as we walked past 'Peppo's' the fish and chip shop across from her house. Everything's so dark, well obviously seeing as it's night. We walked through her front door, this has always been like my second home, I've always felt comfortable here. Being greeted by her dogs, Barley and Jude, god it felt great to be here. Suddenly, the lights went on and stood there was OJ, well Audrey, Jo's mum, my second mum with her arms opened waiting for her hug. After Jo had her hug, I ran over and got my hug, soon me, Jo and Audrey were standing there hugging while the guys were awkwardly standing in the hall. I'm pretty sure they took a photo.

Later after a drink and some food OJ had gone to bed and we were all bunking in Jo's room. Me and Jo in her bed, and the guys on blow up mattresses on the floor. I couldn't wait to see my family tomorrow and finally introduce them to Andy.

I think that maybe he is the one.

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