Chapter 18

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The next day

Jordan's POV: Everything's packed and ready to go. The rest of the guys have decided to come home with us but they're gonna get a flight from Edinburgh airport back to London.

"Guys, the taxi is here!" Joel shouted through the apartment to which we all got up and made our way out of the apartment.

All the way to the airport and during checking in I had no effort what so ever. I hardly spoke to anyone, I just followed behind them. Often they'd all ask if I was okay or needed a hug. But I just smiled and nodded. Now sitting on the plane listening to my iPod failing to get to sleep I started thinking about my life. All through the ups and downs I've always needed Jo, now thinking back to before we were friends, I honestly don't know how I managed. We became a package deal, always together, thinking the same thing at the same time. I remember when things got worse with my dad, she was there ready to give me a hug and make me smile and cry with laughter. She truly is my other half. Then as I looked at Andy, I couldn't help but smile. Although we've only known each other for seven months, it feels like I've known him forever.

(A/N: Sorry for the next time jump, but I couldn't face writing about the funeral and stuff, so yeah on to a happier note! :D )

Andy's POV: Finally it seems like we've gotten Jordan back to normal. When she came back from Scotland she still seemed quite down, well who could blame her? She definitely seems like her self again, laughing constantly and smiling loads. Soon we're going on tour with The Wanted, it's going to be epic. Seriously those guys are ace, Max and I used to be in a band called Avenue, even though we chose different paths we're still great friends. I can already tell that there's going to be loads of alcohol. Just now we're sitting in my apartment chilling, listening to music. This always entertains us guys as Jo and Jordan can't help themselves from singing, playing air guitar or doing the dances to the songs. After them singing "To the window, to the wall" we were all on stitches laughing at them.

"Guys, I think we should go on an adventure." Jordan stated.

"Like what?" Adam asked looking slightly confused at her random outburst.

"I dunno, what about going into town and having a look about, see where it leads us?" She replied to which we all agreed.

"So are we all ready to just go?" I asked looking around the room.

Jordan jumped up and ran out of the room, " I need a pee!"

"Thank you for telling us!" Jo shouted back, "She always feels the need to tell us when she's going to the toilet, she always has, always will." We all started to walk to the door waiting on Jordan still laughing at her.

"Right, let's go." She said as we walked out the door. Just as Ryan locked it Jo shouted, "Last to the bottom is a dirty gruffalo!" As she said that both her and Jordan started running down the stairs, screaming and laughing.

"Again, I still don't see how they are supposed to be grown ups." Ryan said as we started to walk down the stairs.

"I know but come on they're absolutely hilarious." Joel nodded in agreement with me.

"Oh right, just because they're your girlfriends." Ryan retorted earning a nudge from both me and Joel.

As we reached the last steps we saw them both lying on the floor laughing their heads off.

"I can't believe you fell! You absolute idiot!" Jo said as best as she could between laughing.

"Shut up, you tripped me."

"No I didn't you're just a dumb ass!"

"Well you're a lesbian."

Oh god, not this again. Today is going to be a very long day, I can already tell.

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