"Well Mantle the Magnificent is a jerk"
"You wound me Pussycat"
Gemini was a part of the Pussycats, but she stuck to the back of crowds. She wasn't shy by any means. She watched. She listened. She knew more about people than their own best friends...
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"God, you sound like a bad children's book" ~Gemini Jefferson
"The semi-formal looks good this year." Valerie speaks from besides me. I turn to her taking in her Pussycat outfit for the night. She was decked down head to toe with a leopard print bodysuit, matching my own outfit. We were currently on the side of the stage in Riverdale High's gym prepping to go on stage.
"Yea, if you don't count the giant shrines to Jason." I conclude as Josie and Melody walk up to us.
"Yea, extra creepy." Josie nods in agreement at me. "But that doesn't matter, Pussycats are you ready?" She smirks just as Cheryl introduces us causing applause to rip through the crowd of mostly drunken teens.
I roll my neck letting off a couple more vocal warm-ups and walk out behind Valerie with her guitar. I wink at val as music starts off making Josie and I start off the opening lyrics.
"All through the night." I sway in tune to the soft sounds of the music.
"I'll be awake." Josie stops giving me my que. "And I'll be with you." I sing out.
I move to only give Josie background vocals as the song continues. I look out at my dancing schoolmates. Archie moving softly along with Betty just a few inches from Reggie who was surprisingly staring intently at the stage. I smirk as I belt out the harmony on the chorus of the song. Performing made me feel alive in a way that nothing else could, I only hoped that Josie would give Archie a chance to possibly find the same.
"We have no past." Josie projects her voice across the room. I join in at the last part of the lyric.
"We won't reach back." I join in at the last part of the lyric. My voice flowed softly under Josie's not overpowering hers, but balancing out the tune.
"Keep with me forward, all through the night." Valerie and Josie sing this time. I move along to beat Melody makes with the tambourine at her side. There was no feeling like this for me, at least none I had found yet.
"And once we start the-" Josie voice goes on. I stay on beat letting Josie take over completely stepping away from the mic Melody and I share.
I look over the crowd once again seeing Archie let go of Betty looking over at Ms. Grundy yet again. She's probably told him how she feels, and Archie was being stupid yet again. The music fades out as the crowd cheers for us. I keep my gaze even on Betty and Archie. She steps away letting her emotions out through her expression and clapping sadly. I then notice Cheryl watching them from the other side and saying something to her friends.
"What is that bitch up to?" I whisper harshly to Val as I stand next to her in between our set.
"Beats me." She shrugs in confusion before going back to whatever she was doing. I sigh rolling my eyes, whatever it was I wanted no part in it.