"Well Mantle the Magnificent is a jerk"
"You wound me Pussycat"
Gemini was a part of the Pussycats, but she stuck to the back of crowds. She wasn't shy by any means. She watched. She listened. She knew more about people than their own best friends...
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"I couldn't see Reggie doing that, especially to you Gemini." ~Archie Andrews
I walked through the halls as people talked loudly about their plans to go to the Twilight Drive-In for the last time. The loved drive in of Riverdale was finally closing. The word us that someone was buying the property for construction. I surprisingly had been able to avoid Reggie for the past two days. After the playbook, I couldn't find the guts to face him.
I shoved my books from my previous class in my locker. I exchanged them for my writing book and my lucky pencil from my locker. I closed the door and turned to see Reggie leaning there, watching me.
"We still on for the drive in?" He asks casually. I roll my eyes at his question and turn to leave. I had every intention of going to the drive in with Reggie, until Veronica found the the playbook.
"Wait, what's wrong?" He calls rushing after me.
"The fact that you have to ask, is part of what's wrong." I scoff. He continues after me as I push through the other students letting them go back into their original spots, effectively slowing Reggie down. I wasn't ready to face him.
"Pussycat, really what's wrong?" He yells again and pushes his way to me faster.
"Just go have fun with your stupid play book or whatever kind of shit it was." I scoff at him and continue on my way.
"Gemini, please let me explain." Reggie shushes and grips my arm softly again. I shake my head and pull away giving him my back as I leave.
"Let me explain!" He shouts down the hall as I jog out of his sight this time.
"No thanks!" And I was off around the corner moving quicker by the second while Reggie still struggled to get through the crowd.
I huffed out in relief when I saw Betty, Veronica and Kevin crowded to get her talking. Probably informing him of the situation.
"Hey guys." I speak once I step into their group.
"Hey Gem, we were just talking about-" Betty begins before looking to Kevin and Veronica to finish her blatant lie.
"Pre-Calc!" Veronica exclaims. "We heard it was pretty hard, is it?"
"Not really, and you don't have to pretend like you aren't talking about the book." I assure them. "Besides, it's not like everyone doesn't know."
"Oh thank God, because you two are terrible liars." Kevin points at them.
"Funny how everyone knows, but a certain football player who is completely oblivious that something is wrong." Veronica points out making me nod in agreement.