The Rose and Masks.

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Jyushi awoke from a servant waking him up, telling him it was breakfast time. Ichimatsu was no where to be seen. The servant told Jyushi to get his outfit on that was laid out on the bed. It was another yellow shirt with black shorts. The servant waited outside as Jyushi got changed into his outfit. He opened the door and followed the servant to the dinning room.

Once he got there Todo and Choro were sitting at the table with no sign of the other 3. Jyushi sat down at the table next to Todo. The servants served them breakfast. Choro got a eggs and bacon plate, Todo got a plate full of bacon and sausage, and Jyushi got a plate full of bacon, eggs, and sausage.

After they were done eating they when to explore. They went to each bed room, then to the kitchen, then to the main entrance, looked in all the doors at the main entrance, and lastly they made it to the library. It was an old library that had books everywhere. They walked down each row that they could till Jyushi found a rose. A dark red rose that looked dead. It had a glass case over it. Jyushi tried to take the glass case off but Choro stopped him.
"We shouldn't touch it." Choro said quietly.
"Why?" Jyushi asked out of curiosity.
"Because they may not want us to touch it." Choro said as they all 3 stared at it.

They stared at it for awhile.They soon snapped back into reality as someone called Todo name. They all ran into the main hall. Karamatsu was standing there wearing a very professional suit.
"Ah, my beautiful love, there you are!" He said as he grabbed Todo hand, placing a kiss on it from under his mask. Todo blushed as they walked away. Jyushi and Choro watched as they walked away, them Jyushi looked at Choro.
"Why do they wear those mask?" He asked.
"I don't know, maybe they don't want to be seen." Choro said.
"Correct! We do wear these mask to keep our fave hidden, if we want you to see us we'll let you. Just ask." Said a voice behind them. They turned around only to see Osomatsu.
"Is everything okay? My servant told me you boys came rushing out of the library." Osomatsu said.
"Yeah! What's that rose doing in there?" Jyushi asked.
"Ah, that is the rose we must heal or the castle as well as ourselves will fade." Osomatsu said in a sad voice. Choro and Jyushi looked at each other with sad looks then back at Osomatsu.
"Osomatsu? Do you know where Ichimatsu is?" Jyushi asked.
"Ah, yes he's in his little room he loves to nap in." Osomatsu said trying to lighten the mood. Osomatsu turned around and started walking.
"Come if you want me to show you the room." He said and the 2 boys followed. They were lead down a very dark hallway to a room that had only a candle lit by the couch. There Ichimatsu was, asleep. Osomatsu took Choro back down the hall way. Leaving Jyushi all alone.

Jyushi watched for a good 10 minutes before he walked over to Ichimatsu. Jyushi looked at the mask that was still on him. Jyushi touched the mask and pulled it up reveling his lips, now he had small black lines on his chin and lips. Jyushi pushed it up a little more and as he did Ichimatsu awoke and grabbed Jyushi's hand. Jyushi screamed for Choro and Todo. He was scared but he slowly began to calm down as Ichimatsu sat up and placed him in his lap. A small kitten appeared and laid down on Jyushi's lap. Jyushi smiled and petted the kitten. Ichimatsu watched.
"Jyushi?" He asked.
"...." Jyushi didn't say anything.
"Listen, I'm not mad but I don't want my mask off." Ichimatsu said quietly. Jyushi looked up at Ichimatsu.
"But don't you get tried of it?" Jyushi asked.
"I do but-" Ichimatsu got cut off by Jyushi.
"Then take it off. I promise I won't make fun of you or anything." He said sweetly.
"Jyushi, you screaming as I touched you. It would be worst if I showed you my face." He said.
"Well you scared me, I didn't expect it." Jyushi said as he looked down at the black kitten, still petting it. They sat like this for awhile till they were called for lunch.

Osomatsu and Choro made there way to the main entrance.
"We shouldn't leave him back there all by himself." Choro said.
"Well he with Ichimatsu, he'll be find." Osomatsu said as they walked up the grand stairway. Few moment of silent.
"Osomatsu? Can I see your face?" Choro asked as he stopped at the top of the stairs.
"Yeah, let's go back to the bedroom." He said as he took Choro's hand. They went into the bedroom and Osomatsu sat down on the bed, his feet hang off the side. Choro went next to the bed where Osomatsu was.
"You can take it off when your ready." Osomatsu said and Choro nodded. Choro gently took off the mask reveling his face. Osomatsu had full red eyes with red lips and his black hair went everywhere. His skin was very pale.
"So? How do I look?" He asked as he rubbed one finger under his nose. Choro was shocked but kind of liked it.
"Are all of your faces like this?" Choro asked
"Nope." Osomatsu said as he pulled Choro close. Choro got into his lap and sat there till they were called for lunch.

Todo and Karamatsu were laying in a pile of soft pillows. They were talking about many thing and then Todo asked about his mask.
"Why do you guys always wear those mask? Can't we see your faces?" Todo asked.
"Well my love, we wear these so we don't scare you. Yes, you can see our faces." Karamatsu said looking at Todo.
"Can I see yours?" Todo asked. Karamatsu nodded slowly. Todo scooted closer, place his hands on the mask, taking it off. Karamatsu had black hair that was slicked black, his eyes had blue where the white was suppose to be. His lips were pale tan and his skin was a normal tan. Todo smiled.
"So?" Karamatsu said looking a little down. Todo placed his hands on his cheeks.
"Your beautiful." Todo said as he hugged him. They sat like this for a couple minutes before they got called to lunch.

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