Ichimatsu and Jyushi/Osomatsu and Choro.

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(WARNING this has blood, fluff and gore in it. You have been warned.)

Jyushi awoke, sitting up quickly looking around.
"Ichimatsu?" He called out. He looked around he was Ichimatsu's bedroom. He got up and as he did a light ball came to him.
"Jyushi, the choice you have chosen was choice 3 but sadly no one is here beside you and you love. You also didn't tell me if you wanted your lover a human or beast, so I left him as the creature he is." The light ball said then disappeared. Jyushi was confused, but wanted to find Ichimatsu. He quickly got went to the main entrance, that's when he heard a big boom from down the hall, in the dinning room. He quickly ran to the dinning room hoping Ichimatsu was okay. He opened the doors.
"Ichi-" Jyushi began to say but got cut off.
"YOU! YOU HAD 3 CHOICES AND YOU CHOOSE THIS ONE!? I DON'T WANT DO BE THIS CREATURE!" Ichimatsu yelled throwing a chair at Jyushi. The chair missed Jyushi.
"I....I'm......sorry." Jyushi slowly said as tears ran down his face, he didn't remember choosing anything. Jyushi curled up, his knees touched his face.
"I'm sorry........." Jyushi said before he felt more tear run down his face. Ichimatsu watched him then slowly walked over to Jyushi. Once Ichimatsu got next to him, he sat down next to him and pulled him into his lap.
"Don't be sorry, I'm the one who should be sorry...." Ichimatsu said in a sweet, kind voice. Jyushi looked at Ichimatsu. Ichimatsu still had that mask on, with that black robe he always wore of his purple dress shirt that had tears in it. Jyushi smiled and snuggled against him.
"Jyushi, can I look at something?" Ichimatsu asked and Jyushi looked at him.
"Sure..." Jyushi said sitting up. Ichimatsu turned Jyushi's head to the side examining his neck, he pulled his shirt down a little seeing his mark. A black bite mark that has been imprinted into deep into the Jyushi's skin. Ichimatsu gently kissed it then laid his head against Jyushi's shoulder. They sat like this till the owl servant came in.
"Master, a man is here and would like to see you, he's at the front door." The owl said. Ichimatsu looked at the owl then Jyushi before standing up and walked out of the dinning room to the main entrance. Jyushi got up and followed him. Ichimatsu stopped as he saw the figure. The figure had a green shirt, the shirt had blood on it, an axe in its left hand that dripped with blood. It wore a mask, a Ram's skull mask. Ichimatsu growled as he walked a bit closer. Jyushi slowly followed, staying behind him.
"Why have you came?" Ichimatsu asked the figure.
"He told me what I need to get to you and him ." The figure said with a familiar voice.
"Why? Why do you at to end us?" Ichimatsu growled.
"So Todo nor Jyushi end up how I am." The figure said as it took off the mask. Choro. "Did you think I wanted to be transformed into a monster?! No! I won't let you nor Karamatsu ruin their lives! Osomatsu ruined mine but I did away with him." Choro yelled throwing the mask onto the floor, breaking it. Ichimatsu eyes widen.
"YOU KILLED HIM!" Ichimatsu yelled. Choro smiled, an evil smile.
"What did you think? He treated me as a pet." Choro said gripping tightly on the axe walking closer to him. Ichimatsu yelled a word in a different language, and servants came to the main entrance. There was about 10 of them or so plus the owl. Ichimatsu pointed to Choro and they all started to attack. The battle only lasted 4 minutes. Choro stood there, panting, looking at Ichimatsu. Ichimatsu looked at Jyushi.
"I want you to go hide." Ichimatsu whisper to Jyushi, Jyushi nodded and ran off. Ichimatsu looked back at Choro. Ichimatsu waited till Jyushi was out of the room, then black flames cover Ichimatsu and Ichimatsu transformed into a skeleton bird, a large bird. Ichimatsu flew up towards the ceiling then flew down towards him Choro lifted his axe and threw it. The axe hit him in the rib cage. He letted out a painful scream before crashing into the floor. Once more flames covered him as he transformed back into his human form. He growled as he looked at the axe that was stuck in him, he pulled on it but let out a cry of pain. He looked at where it hit him, by his heart. Ichimatsu quickly looked up as Choro walked closer to him. He grabbed the handle of the axe and pulled one it, once more Ichimatsu let out a painful cry. Choro chuckled.

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