Marking The Boy.

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(WARNING. This chapter has blood, biting, and has a little bit of fluff. You have been warned.)

They all made it to the dinning room, where many trays were placed. Osomatsu and Karamatsu had there mask back on. Ichimatsu and Jyushi sat together, as well as Osomatsu and Choro, Todo and Karamatsu. There was 2 trays at each spot.

Ichimatsu opened their first tray, roasted duck. He looked over at Jyushi as he opened the second tray at their spot, there laid a plate with a pancake sandwich. That was just 2 pancakes, hamburger bun size, with bacon, eggs and sausage patties between the 2 pancakes.

Karamatsu opened their first tray, a nicely cooked rabbit. He looked over at Todo, who had already opened the second tray and was eating it. It was a medium size plate with eggs and bacon.

Osomatsu opened their first tray, roasted lamb with some green leafy vegetation around it. He looked over at Choro, who was a bit scared to open his tray. Osomatsu opened it for him reveling a egg salad. He smiled and began to eat.

Osomatsu stared at Ichimatsu the whole time, waiting. Ichimatsu was finish with his meal and waited for Jyushi was done.
"Jyushi come with me." Ichimatsu said as he stood up. Jyushi nodded and walked behind Ichimatsu as they left.

"Do you think he'll mark him?" Karamatsu asked as he looked over at Osomatsu.
"Don't know." Osomatsu said taking another bite of his lamb.
"Mark him?" Todo asked quietly.
"Yes, my beautiful gem. Just like I did to you. I marked you, you are mine and mine alone." Karamatsu said.
"Why do we have to be marked?" Choro asked.
"Because if we don't then creatures will come and try to kill us as well as you but when we mark you we put a bit of our own DNA in you, so you can fight them off or run away." Osomatsu said as he put his fork down.
"It also another way of saying I love you and tell other creatures you belong to someone." Karamatsu added.
"Ah." Choro said quietly as he looked down at his empty plate.


Ichimatsu took Jyushi to a new room, a room Jyushi had never seen before. It wasn't very big but it had a bed and lots of pillows. The pillows cover most of the floor and the bed. Jyushi look at Ichimatsu, who was taking off his mask. Jyushi went to the bed and sat down.
"What are we doing here?" Jyushi asked. Ichimatsu looked at him, walking closer to him.
"Jyushi, I must mark you." Ichimatsu replied as he sat next to Jyushi. Ichimatsu took Jyushi hand.
"Mark me? Why?" Jyushi asked, scared.
"Yes, because if I don't I may lose you to someone else such as Osomatsu or Karamatsu." Ichimatsu said. Jyushi frown and looked away, Ichimatsu noticed.
"But I have a question for you." Ichimatsu said and Jyushi nodded.
"May I mark you? So we may love and our rose shall be restored as well as our bodies." Ichimatsu asked. Jyushi nodded slowly and with that Ichimatsu's lips met Jyushi's lips.

They kissed a couple of times before Ichimatsu gently pushed Jyushi against the bed and started to move his kisses to Jyushi's jaw then his neck making his way to his collarbone. Ichimatsu stopped and looked at Jyushi. Jyushi nodded and Ichimatsu when to Jyushi's shoulder and bite into the skin. Jyushi whined and tears formed in his eyes as Ichimatsu bit him. Ichimatsu cut his tongue on on of his fangs before he licked up Jyushi's blood that ran down his shoulder. Ichimatsu began to lick the bite wound and as he did that Ichimatsu's blood went into the bite wound, healing it faster as well as turning it black. Ichimatsu kissed Jyushi and signed.
"I'm sorry I hurt you." Ichimatsu said quietly. Jyushi sat there quietly, he placed both hands on each of Ichimatsu's cheeks. Jyushi smiled brightly as Ichimatsu kissed Jyushi gently before sitting up.
"Is that it?" Jyushi asked.
"Yeah. That's it." Ichimatsu said, Jyushi could tell he was thinking about something else.
"Is something wrong?" Jyushi asked, sitting up.
"What if this rose does nothing for us?" Ichimatsu asked looking at Jyushi.
"Well then you'll stay how you are." Jyushi said.
"I don't want to stay like this. I'm a monster. I shouldn't have ever been born." Ichimatsu said.
"Ichimatsu, you aren't a monster. I'm glad you were born." Jyushi said as he laid his head against Ichimatsu's arm.
"You haven't seen me.....Jyushi I can barely control myself. Wait. Why are you glad I'm alive? You scared out of your mind just, what? 3 days ago." Ichimatsu asked looking at Jyushi.
"I'm glad you're alive because you saved me from my step father who punished me for no reason. I know I was scared but I realized you aren't a monster you're just a Beast that need a Belle." Jyushi said with a smile. Ichimatsu was shocked but smile a little. He hugged Jyushi.
"I wish we had met sooner." Ichimatsu said quietly. Jyushi nodded in agreement. Ichimatsu placed his forehead against Jyushi's.

They sat like this till the owl came in.
"Sir, the rose has bloomed!" The owl said quickly. Ichimatsu stood and grabbed his mask placing it on his face. He looked at Jyushi before walking towards the door. Jyushi went after him. Jyushi followed him to the library, where the other 4 were. The rose was in perfect conditions. Ichimatsu looked at his brothers.
"Open it." Ichimatsu said. Osomatsu grabbed the case and pulled it off. The rose glowed brightly and the 3 boys were consumed into the light.

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